PHOTOS: SCHI Camp Reunion at Bushkill Inn

schiCamp SCHI’s Camp Reunion took place this past Shabbos, Shabbos Hagodol, in the Bushkill Inn in Bushkill, PA. The Reunion was an opportunity for the devoted Camp SCHI staff members to reconnect with their campers.

Parents and families of the Camp SCHI campers enjoyed a much needed break during the most hectic time of the year, secure in the knowledge that their children’s care was being entrusted into the loving hands of the dedicated Camp SCHI staff.

SCHI campers and counselors reconnected over the course of the Shabbos – from the minute that the smiling campers came off the bus into the waiting open arms of their counselors, and continued for the entire weekend. With tremendous effort, determination and love, the amazing counselors provided a fun and productive environment in which the campers thrived.

At the Shalosh Seudos, R’ Meir Eisemann, son of SCHI’s founder, Rabbi Osher Eisemann, spoke passionately of growing up in the outstanding Eisemann home – where the focus has always been what more can be done for special needs children. R’ Meir expounded how his parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Eisemann, have devoted their lives to SCHI. He pointed out that most people when faced with “Yiush” just give up, however his parents did just the opposite of “Yiush” and created “SCHI”. On behalf on the entire SCHI staff, R’ Meir presented his parents with a beautiful appreciation gift.

The fun and excitement continued on Motzei Shabbos, as the campers and counselors enthusiastically sang and danced at the Melave Malka until the wee hours of the morning.

As the bus pulled up Sunday morning to drive the campers home, a camper, still glowing from an amazing unforgettable experience, questioned his counselor, “why are we leaving – is camp over already??” His counselor answered him, “yes, we are heading now, but start counting down…. there is only 13 week until Camp SCHI starts!!”


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  1. Rabbi Eisemann, you are truly a blessing for our dear children.
    I have not enough words to describe our appreciation for all you do for us.

  2. A HUGE HUGE thanks, admiration and appreciation to the most devoted and selfless group of counselors. You guys showed the true meaning of LOVE!!!! Wow what an amazing and inspiring team go COUNSELORS go!!!

  3. Rabbi Eiseman has done it again as he always does, u always pull through Rabbi no matter what, you’re the epitome of willpower and chesed combined!!! Hatzlacha on the future!

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