PHOTOS: Renowned Baal Tzedakah and Entrepreneur Mr. Ralph Herzka addresses Rutgers Professional Networking event

When one normally thinks of Kiruv, one imagines Rabbis and Rebbetzins engaging students for deep conversations in the campus coffee shop, eating cholent and kugel at a Shabbos meal, or traveling together to Eretz Yisroel, davening, learning and growing.

And as important as the relationship between Rabbi and student is, the students cannot envision themselves becoming like the Rabbi. They can, however, see themselves as a successful Jewish business person, doctor, lawyer, accountant, etc, while engaged in a life suffused with Torah.

This Sunday, Meor Rutgers Jewish Xperience held a career and networking fair, matching up Jewish Rutgers students with local, Jewish business people, doctors, lawyers, engineers, government policy makers, IT professionals, law enforcement, accountants, etc, from the Lakewood, NYC, Highland Park, Edison and Livingston and other NY/NJ Jewish communities.

The highlight of the event, was hearing from Mr. Ralph Herzka, a well-known supporter of Torah and Baal Tzedakah. Mr. Herzka spoke to a packed audience about his journey from young entrepreneur, to becoming the CEO of one of the largest commercial finance firms in the Country.

Mr. Herzka, speaking to a room full of young, hungry Jewish students, eager to make it big, spoke of the importance of making your work meaningful by giving back and making Tzedaka a big priority. He also emphasized the central role that Shabbos and Shmiras Shabbos plays in his life. He brought home the message that Shmiras Shabbos is not only a mitzvah that we must do because it is mandated by the Torah, but also that it helps balance a person and gives one the space to be healthy and prevent one’s professional life from consuming them.

This event came on the heels of a huge RJX Shabbaton in the Highland Park community. 80 students came together from Rutgers, the new RJX campus program at Montclair St (near Passaic) and Meor NYU, to celebrate Shabbos, relax and reinvigorate their souls, all while being hosted by the Highland Park/Edison community.

“The RJX networking event was a huge success as it was both informative and productive,” saidĀ Rutgers senior and Lakewood Fellowship alumnus Jonathan Sheynkman. “RJX has once again provided a great opportunity to get connected with and learn from a variety of professionals.”

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  1. Mr Herzka constantly has college kids Israeli soldiers and other unaffiliated jews as his personal guests at his home in Brooklyn and Jerusalem.
    He flies across the country visiting various universities to impart his message of Torah Judaism.

  2. R’ Rephoel is ah yid ah Tzaddik. And, btw, for some reason, successful businessmen are an amazing Kiruv Tool. The kids eat them up. And R’ Rephoel meets many groups of kids.

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