PHOTOS: Rav Yisroel Taplin makes Siyum on entire Talmud Yerushalmi, 19 years in the making

Renowned Talmid Chochom Harav Yisrael Taplin Shlita celebrated a Siyum this past week on the entire Talmud Yerushalmi, a project which took him 19 years.

A family Seudah marked the momentous occasion.

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  1. NOW THIS , is the stuff that needs reporting. THIS is what is the most important thing in our lives. Thanks for this article. I don’t know Rabbi Taplin, but I am mighty proud of him. I certainly wish to be able to make a siyum on the Talmud one day.

    • mr. impressed man
      My grandfather finished the Talmud many times!
      Please be respectful of a Talmid Chochom. He doesn’t need you to be “mighty proud of him”

      All the best

  2. Mazel Tov Reb Yisroel.. This is the real Lakewood. May Reb Yisroel be maarich yomim v’shonim with much harchovas hadaas together with his eishes chayil

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