PHOTOS: Prosecutor’s Office Meets with Faith-based Leaders to Discuss Rise of Anti-Semitism in the County

unnamedThe Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office last week met with faith-based leaders from Lakewood and other County towns to discuss the recent rise of anti-Semitism in Ocean County.

The meeting, arranged by non-Jewish community leaders in Lakewood, who work hand-in-hand with the various communities throughout the County, comes after several anti-Semitic incidents that recently occurred in Ocean County towns.

Attending the meeting, was the Ocean County Prosecutor Joe Coronato, and Public Affairs Officer Al Della Fave.

“Thank you to the Prosecutors Office for taking the time to address the rising anti-semitism and actions of hate being spread among neighbors in Ocean County,” organizers said.

The organizers added, “There will be several upcoming efforts to counteract the negative values being exposed on our County neighbors, children and friends.”


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  1. this should apply to police officers who have complaints filed against them for numerous violations, including assault with a weapon, and absolutely nothing happens.. i’m talking about BPD Ocean County,NJ

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