[PHOTOS – ALBUM WILL BE UPDATED THROUGHOUT THE DAY] The long-awaited Nationwide Parnassah Expo has finally arrived.
PHOTOS: Parnassah Expo 2013; A Historic Event Gets Underway
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Check out the food court! 1880 makes DELICIOUS food! Hatzlocha!
so this appears to be a mens only event?
Hope some jobs and buisness comes out of all this. They certainly worked hard enough!
Nope its not a mens event I’m there
$25 entrance fee.
who does the marketing/ graphics for 1880 deli? not bad………not bad at all
Did u see that company who is advertising to cut your payroll in half by offering to outsource costomer service etc to india. Now why would parnossah expo allow this Company there? The idea is to give out jobs to locals and Not To outsource them to india for under minimum wage. Go figure!
mostly men because its a parnasa expo, isnt that the mans responsibility!!!!???? in todays day in age sometimes that get confused….
#4, you could have bought tickets online for $18
Very disappointed. Not much there more like a builders show or other shows very little for s/o who needs a job
Amazing event!!!!
Please, l’To’eles Ha’Rabim – if anyone knows anybody, man or women, that got a job that pays over $12/hr, plz, PLZ post it here. It’ll give everyone a chizzuk for this event, &, hopefully, the next one. Thanx.
Dudi, your 100% right!
I was so excited about this and really wanted it to work.however this was a business to business event and not for the average person looking for a job.lots of business’s showing what they do,but not one with a job to offer. Great idea for business,not so good for job seekers.
I feel I was miss led.
hey jog-a thon person, we all need to start some place i started my career at 9.50 a hour no benefits. fast forward 4 years am at 35 a hour work hard and focus and you will succed
very dissapointed did not live up to the hype. no jobs at all the networking was not that great except for a few select fields. Maybe I will win an I pod from one of the free raffles
#6, Margolis Marketing does their graphics
i was very impressed i spent the day there. the vendors seemed very happy lots of networking was going on!
i see mark rabin from israel was there. Big playa !!
Why look at the negative if you can focus on the positive? Did you hand out your resume to anyone? Did you make a contact? Did you find out about a business you find interesting? Did you sign up with a Job Placement Organization? Did you sign up for a course? A career couch? A business coach? Did you sit in on some of the seminars? Some very interesting and informative speakers. Did you at least meet some old friends?
Not necessarily will it land you your dream job but it may move you along in the direction that you need to go. If you just walked in, looked around, and did not even bother to sit down with a Job Placement Org. or hand out resumes then you have no right to complain. Life is about what you make of it. Nothing is served to you on a silver platter.
Sorry for those that thought there would be big job opportunities available. It was really not like that (in fact I would say that there were more job opportunities LAST year than this year). Nevertheless I don’t think it was a waste of time or a ripoff as Duddy B and other cynics are stating.
In a response posted YESTERDAY I read the following:
…. come and get a Parnassah and if you can’t be helped than you can at least get life skills by networking with people and if that doesn’t help you can go to the seminars which gives you chizak and if that does not help you can sign up for a course and there’s much more….
This was NOT written by someone working for the Expo. I beleive it was and is 100% true. I also thought that maybe I would see something that might lead to a job, but even though I did not I did find tremendous information and gained keen insight that will help me in my present situation. In fact, when I got home I received a few phone calls related to my parnassah and I utilized TONIGHT some of the things I learnt and it was VERY effective.
The bottom line is, everything we do is ONLY hishtadlus and the fact that those who went made an EFFORT then we DON’T have to know who got a job THAT PAYS MORE THAN $12 AN HOUR. Because that is not how it works… v’hamyvin yavin
And for all you cynics, all I can say is – time to learn a little Chovos HaLevavos.
From a vendors point of view – (I wasnt a vendor, but a friend of mine had a booth there) –
The point was to network. #21 said it very well. Not necessarily were you gonna land a job on the spot, but if you did all of what #21 said, your did your best and hopefully something will come up/work out shortly.
My friend vendor told me he met many people but didn’t make too many concrete contacts. Instead, he was busy taking down their names and numbers and hopefully next week – when everythings back to normal – he’ll make some follow up phone calls.
My point is that not everything is instant.
May Hkb”h help us all out and grant us everything we need!
go free wisdom ! looks like SOMEONE has their head screwed on the right place!!
I went with resumes,a willingness to learn and network.
There were not many business that needed resumes.
Hopefully I learned something,and one day it will come in handy.
It should have been clearer that there weren’t many people there to offer jobs and that it was really for business,s to network.
All of the articles that I read about the expo (online, yated, hamodia) said very clearly that it will be mostly a business to business/networking event witth a SMALL job fair. So all of you cynics out there please stop complaining.
I was NOT there but congrats and THANK YOU to all who were involved with this.
I was a vendor and it was a GREAT 1st year for such a show. It can only get better BEH! I would sign up today for next years show. I have gone to may trade shows where 5000 people attend and feel good to count 20 yarmulkas. Yesterday you would wouldve found about 20 non yarmulka people. It was great to be a part of such a beautiful event. Outside of being dan likaf zchus a cynic of this event due to his need for a job, anybody who criticized yesterday is a sad story.
I made some solid leads there. For me it was a great success. It’s not magic. You have to have what to offer.
I was there and thought it was a great event. Got his report in my inbox this morning, figured I would share it with those of you who werent there: http://myparnasa.com/parnassah-expo-report/
Here is another issue. People are not willing to spend a year or two getting a degree. These people that came straight out of kollel and were expecting a job for $35/ hour. Wake up and smell the coffee!! And by the way, yes, I got a job at the expo. Thank you Duvi for everything.
not a happy camper.
great networking expo but please dont call it a job fair cause it wasnt.
i am tired of hearing that you should focus on the good of the event. the point is it was being promoted as a parnassah expo aka job affair and it was more like a trade show. it would have been nice if there would have been more info about the amount of hiring that will be available. a friend called for a list of companies hiring so they can b more prepared for that position such as their resume and research, instead he was told the info isnt complete. well you cant complete something if you never started! that being said i am calling amex for my money back!!!
All you need is that one Contact person for it to be worthwhile. I spoke to many people and i got a handfull of pepople to do business with and help them out. Not neccessarily a job but I own a business and i am sure it will be worthwile for my prosp[ects and myself. Also some of the speeches were really great speakers. Definately worth the money and time to associate with all the jews and see whats out there.
Anyone listened to charlie harary? I heard he was very good.
Yes he was excellent
Loved it ,Was great for networking as well as potential recruits our company received close to “200” job applicants Kol Hakovod for whoever organized the event
thanks to this expo, i made a MAJOR sale today!!!
For all those who think you can get a good job and not be aggressive in getting one ,there is no helping you.you have a place where a lot of people and bussnesess are gathering to help people in need of parnassa and you say this isn’t a good opportunity to speak to people about helping you find a job ,I say there is noway to help you,not even a caring Jew like duvie honing
To all those coplainers, a couple of points.
Doing business=Parnassah.!!!
I was at the event, the mood was VERY Posotive.
I met many people (vendors and attenddees) who were looking to hire. Mostly office and Sales.
I met a few people who where looking for Management Jobs and were dissapointed. And while speaking to them I also learned, they have no idea what the word “Management” means. They have no expirience at all.(From my expirience, Managers are hired from within a company-not through Job fairs).
So, my conclusion- anyone who was looking to get started or had a business, had ample oppertunity to get hired, learn, grow, etc.
And anyone who had unrialistic expectations, left dissapointed.
Lets say the best case is that 40 people found jobs.
Was the amount of money and energy worth it?
“I” don’t think so.
I am sure there is a better way to spend money to find 40 people jobs.
… “I” will leave it for other “commenters” for suggestions.
If forty people found parnassa that is huge why, now they won’t be depreessed that they are doing nothing all day while bills pile up ,there wife’s and friends and nieghbores will respect them, and they will be able to lift there heads ,by not having to stick there hands out for hand outs.whoever orginized this expo deserves everyone’s blessings
To “i”
Where do you get your statistics from I hope you’re not making it up and trying to ruin a big chessed event. perhaps start of your comment by saying I have no idea what I’m talking about please don’t take me seriously!
I was heavily involved and I got to speak to a lot of the vendors and guests. the feedback I received was extremely positive they told they were able to learn a lot to help them advance their businesses and careers
I am jobless I spent my day yesterday at the expo although I did not find for myself a job I would consider the day very well spent I was able to meet with many people and receive it advice about how to find a job and I had a opportunity to speak to Maurice Stein about how to start my own business so thank you duvi ! You did a great Mitzvah I hope you do it next year but I hope I won’t need it Thank you Thank You!!