PHOTOS: Over 2,000 enjoy free Kosher BBQ on I-80

imageThe annual Erev Pesach I-80 BBQ was a smashing success today.

Almost 3,000 hot dogs and burgers were given out to some 2,200 people who stopped off to enjoy a free Kosher BBQ – helping to break up a long trip.

In addition to the barbecue, attendees were able to Daven Mincha and Maariv with a MInyan. Dozens of Minyanim were held throughout the event.

A special thank you goes to the following individuals who made it all happen:

Shuey Cohen, Chaim Ozer Dessler, Elimelch Schwartz, Yehoshua Dessler, Avromy Richmond, Donny Elbaz, and Leibel Gerson.

Mi K’amcha Yisroel!


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  1. u guys were amazing!!!!!!!!! especially after the hour long delay of traffic. every one of u should be blessed for your selfless chessed.

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