Another awesome Misameach Midwinter event at the indoor Nickelodeon amusement park. The event was sponsored by Chuny and Chavi Herzka.
You were able to feel the spirit in the air as you walked into the mall already.
Walking into the mall you felt the spirit in the air where there were throngs of people all headed towards the amusement park for the event they waited for since last year.
There was a great lineup of entertainers and singers all there to bring smiles to the families and smiles there were! From the emcee Moe Rabi to Donny and the Shnitzel Guys who kept the crowd on their toes throwing out prizes to the children … to the unbelievable volunteers who made the whole atmosphere one of achdus and excitement…to the amazing Zaltz Band and Stellar Productions… to the singers, Simcha Leiner, Lipa Schmeltzer, Yoni Z, Simcha, Tuvia….to the juggling shows, Simcha Jugglers, kinder shpil the unicycle riders and the clowns to face paint…to Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser walking around giving a kind word, a smile and brachos, to Well Point for being the corporate sponsor, to the medical team and Chaveirim, to Greenwald caterers for cooking the food, to Gourmet Glatt, PAS, Golden Fluff for the snacks, to Epstein’s Meats, Positive, Crystal ware, TLS, the amazing volunteers who worked tirelessly before, during and after the event to help make it a success… to the amazing American Dream staff.
The crowd was singing along, dancing, jumping and you saw the people who needed the chizzuk the most, really enjoying themselves as they were able to smile, sing, play and go home with memories, a gift bag and a cherished Magnet Memory to keep the memories alive, amidst the challenging times they are going through.
Next year in Yerushalayim!
(Photos by Langsam photography and Emes Production photography)
OMG !! This was an insane event. My daughter, starting from Zos Chanukah asked me every single day:
Ta, when is the Misameach midwinter event ?
Ta, can you call Lipa ?
Ta, do I have a ride to the event ?
Ta, who’s singing ?
Are the having clowns ?
On and on and on.
She ended up going , ofc, and had an absolute BLAST !!
I don’t know how to thank Lipa & all the entertainers, vendors and volunteers for a hugely successful event.
Thank you, Thank you and Thank you.
Chazak V’Ematz !!