PHOTOS: Ocean County Commissioner Frank Sadeghi Visits Special Children’s Center

On Tuesday, Ocean County Commissioner Frank Sadeghi paid a visit to the Special Children’s Center, where he had the opportunity to personally interact with the children and staff and to get a glimpse into the amazing work of The Center.

The Commissioner was very impressed with what he saw. He expressed how wonderful it is to see the huge smiles on the faces of all of the children and how awed he was by beautiful work of The Center and the incredible impact they have on the lives of every child and every family. He added that he will take what he saw in The Center on his travels throughout the county and beyond and use it as a model for other communities to emulate.

During his visit, the Commissioner left a message on The Center’s “message wall”, with his personal greetings and best wishes to The Center.

The Center staff then presented Commissioner Sadeghi with a plaque of tribute for the Ocean County Board of Commissioners, thanking them for all of the work they do on behalf of the special needs population of Ocean County.

[Press Release]

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