PHOTOS: New Lakewood BOE Members Sworn in; New President Named

boe swearing in 2016The new Lakewood Board of Education members were sworn in last night during its reorganization meeting.

The board swore in Barry Ian, David Jacobovitch, Hillel Brull and Heriberto Rodriguez. Ian won with a write-in.

Ian was voted in as the Boad President, and 2015 President Ada Gonzalez was voted in as Vice President.

During the meeting, the board also voted to hold a special meeting ahead of the official next meeting for a presentation on the deficit. At that meeting, a plan will also be presented in case of a failed $6.2 million referendum.



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  1. Fresh meat for the fire, that’s all the new people will be. They can’t do anything because of the state auditor so they will there to be blamed for what is wrong….

  2. To #3
    High school seniors probably have more years of school than most of the BOE members. I doubt if any board member took US History and Government, and probably only one or two took algebra or geometry.

  3. Heriberto graduated not only high school but college as well. Ask for his credentials teacher. And before you chastise someone for stepping in was your name on the ballot this year?

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