Photos: LPD Event At Blue Claws Honors Officer Wilson And S.W.A.T Team

lpd blue clawsPHOTOS (Video will be posted later) of this evening’s fundraiser Baseball game at the Blue Claws to benefit the family of LPD Officer Jonathan Wilson who was severely wounded in the No-Knock Warrant Shootout on September 24 2009. Since the incident which cost Wilson the vision in his left eye, Wilson has been out of work. Also honored at the event were the other S.W.A.T Officers conducting the No-Knock Warrant on that day. The team members were each awarded with a Plaque thanking them for their service. (Carlos J)

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  1. It was a really nice event. The LPD did a really good job. It was a small turn out but it was a school night. Best wishes to Wilson and his family.

  2. Yes It was a great night, brothers in arms and their families and friends which made for a fun line free night. The dunk a cop tank was a big hit, and hopefully we will see it at the night out in August.
    I also was wondering where our township committee and mayor where? I know they were all in attendance the night before. Seems strange is true. But the night was awesome, and thanks to the TLS for the event coverage.

  3. In regards to everyone wondering where the commiteemen were I happen to have been with two of them at a family member of theirs wedding in ny. Mazel tov !!! Congrats to the boys in blue good job

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