PHOTOS: Local Organizations Share about $150k in CDBG Funds

imageOver a dozen local non-profit organizations on Thursday evening during the Township Committee meeting received a check from the Community Development Block Grants (CDBG).

There are strict guidelines for where the CDBG funds can be distributed, and at least 15% of the earmarked funds are to be used for public sector organizations.

imageNon-profit organizations such as Misameach and soup kitchens were among recipients.


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  1. This is great giving for a great cause.

    In light of the busing “crisis”, here is the math.

    $150,000.00 X 85% to the “non public” sector=$127,500.00
    @$466.00 per student for busing for 1 year that can cover 273 students.
    Closing the gap!

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