PHOTOS: Leave it to the Bachurim

???????????????????????????????What would you do if a huge mound of snow was blocking the shortcut you usually take home?

Most people would just go around, even if it means going a few minutes out of the way.

But a few Bachruim had a different plan for a popular path at the shopping strip on James Street, and dug a tunnel through the pile large enough to allow for pedestrians and cyclists to make their way through!

[Thank you Nesanel S.]


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  1. Don’t want to burst anyone’s bubble (or tunnel). This is certainly very creative.

    with the unseasonable warm weather we are having, I would be very concerned that this doesn’t come crashing down, ch”v like an avalanche Lo aleinu.

    I daven that it doesn’t ch”v collapse
    And I hope that I’m just being concerned for no good reason.

    But chevra, please, please, be extra careful!!!!!

    Just my humble opinion

  2. @yehuda, its been up for over a week now and nothing has happened.
    @joat, it was four feet on top, but it has beed melting since then. And yes it s way cooler this way 😉

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