PHOTOS: Lakewood Shuttle Begins Servicing Harmony Park

belz shuttleThe Belzer community in Lakewood held a celebration on Sunday, thanking Township officials and Askonim for adding Harmony Park to the Lakewood Shuttle route.

The added route was the result of the efforts of R’ Lipa Klein, of the Belzer community, who worked with the various parties to secure the run servicing the Southeast corner of Lakewood.

The event was held at the home R’ Klein, and was attended by the Belzer Dayan, Rabbi Aaron Kotler, Committeeman Meir Lichtenstein, Township Economic Developer Director Steve Reinman, Mr. Brodt from Imperial Real Estate, Rabbi Menachem Berkowitz of Chemed.



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  1. See the chassidim know how to do!! They come in and get service! Still waiting for shuttle service for the South side of route 9.

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