PHOTOS: Lakewood school bus skids off the road, collides with another school bus; Nobody injured

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  1. not surprised all other schools around us were on delayed openings due to icy roads! glad no one was hurt. don’t know why lakewood takes these chances!

  2. #2, I could not agree more. I warned about buses in this town being careful to stop at stop signs, etc. District bus drivers see it as a profession and strive for expertise, giving a go-ahead to autos as a courtesy when stopping to pick up or readying to move on. Private carriers here have to such sensitivities or driving skills. This entire week, early in the morning, cars were sliding out from going to fast into turns, etc., Where is the foresight to know to be careful? In this case, some people can’t see the trees for the forest. Use your head and truly drive skillfully!! Its a matter of safety and being civilized!

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