The Lakewood Police Department’s top brass, along with Police Chaplains and Liaisons met today to discuss Pesach, which begins this weekend.
The meeting mostly focused on increasing security around town, adding officers to various neighborhoods – both uniformed and undercover.
Over Yom Tov, officers will also be looking out for residents who may need assistance or have concerns regarding something they saw or heard.
As always, if there is in emergency – such as an attempted abduction Ch’v, residents are urged – and directed by Rabbonim – to immediately phone police, even on Shabbos or Yom Tov.
I would also like to warn the community to be on the lookout for Afikomen ganovim. These ganovim pose as regular Passover guests, but in reality their goal is to snatch your afikomen and demand a king’s ransom.
Keep an eye on your afikomen and don’t be fooled by the afikomen ganov who swallows down the most stringent shiur of matzoh in a guise of piety, and then walks out of the room with your precious afikomen.
If your afikomen is indeed snatched and the ganavim demand a ransom, do not give in to their demands! Call the Purim Rav immediately, and he will forward your complaints to the proper authorities and to the Shushan law enforcement officials.
I am very lucky to have Meir Lichtenstein Shlita as a close neighbor of mine
perhaps 107.9 should be left on over shabbos/yom tov & used as a central broadcast – in case there is an important announcement?
All kidding aside Meir has done amazing work for this city. TY!