Today, Lakewood Hatzolah took delivery of a brand new ambulance, sponsored by Mr. Joe Neuman and the Woods community.
The new ambulance is equipped with the most advanced technology and equipment for the ultimate patient care.
“This update to the fleet of ambulances is the next step in modernizing and expanding the present fleet,” Hatzolah tells TLS.
Hatzolah is still looking to add another ambulance and 2 paramedic response vehicle to its present fleet of emergency vehicles, as well as updating and adding to many various parts of their operations.
Lakewood Hatzolah is currently comprised of 92 members, including a P.A., paramedics and dispatchers.
“On behalf of the community, we wish to express a thank you to Mr. Joe Neuman and the Woods community for the donation of the ambulance,” Hatzolah said. “May HKB”H bentch them and their families with loads of brochos and nachas.”
Shkoiyach to all the ppl behind this! Thanx Reb motti and R wachsman!
Wow! Keep up the great work Yossel!
Nice piece of equipment best of luck to you guys i know you will put it to good use
when is Arlington getting the ambulance they chipped in for ?
Is this ambulance going to be parked in the woods neighborhood?
SPECIAL THANX To Horav HaGaon R’ Avrom Waxman who DOES. NOT.STOP. working to raise the funds and get the vital lifa saving eqipment crucial to the continuance of the smooth operation of Hatzolah. Tizku L’Mitzvos.
Thank you rabbi waxman!
Thank you mr neuman and the whole woods. I heard great things about that neighborhood.