“Achdus and Chessed” is the way an event by Keren Chassanim Zichron Mattel last night in Lakewood is being described.
Zichron Mattel, founded by Lakewood Shadchanim Shlomo Lewenstein, Tzadok Katz and Meir Levy, is the only organization of its kind that helps Chassanim fund their basic needs for their wedding.
“The event aimed to gain support by having Bachurim pledge Maaser of money they will have after their weddings, and to show support to the donors that subsidize so much of the Chessed that is done by this organization,” an Askan involved told TLS.
The Asifa, which took place in the ballroom of the new BMG Herzka building, drew a crowd of approximately 800 Bachurim.
Speakers included CEO of BMG Rabbi Aaron Kotler and Harav Lipa Geldworth.
The lavish buffet was sponsored by local food establishments.
What these shadchanim do is amazing. First, they work hours and hours to find young men & women shudduchim. Then, if someone needs money to help pay wedding expenses, Instead of sending him to another Askan, they take care of that, as well !!! UN- real. And R Shloimie just had a baby !!! R’ Shloimie, R’ Meir & R’ Tzadok, what can I say. Ashrecha V’Ashrei Chelkechah. May HKBH contiyto give u the strength to keep up your amazing work.
Shmuli Waxman did so much for this its should be a זכת for him
yosef travis was instrumental in making the event such a success