A drunk driver was arrested early this morning after flipping his vehicle on Route 9 and then fleeing the scene. The single-crash occurred shortly after
2 a.m. at the intersection of River Avenue and Chestnut Street. After overturning his vehicle and taking out wires, the driver crawled out and fled the scene.
Police arrived a short time later and after a brief search located the suspect in the rear of a nearby building. He reportedly admitted he was drunk, and taken into custody.
The area experienced a brief blackout due to the crash.
The area is shut as utility companies make repairs.
This accident happened not only because the driver was drunk but because people drive up and down Chestnut St all hours of the day and night like it’s a speed way. We have tried to lower the speed limit on this road of family home for close to 30 years to no avail.There is at least one motor cycle that races up the street very loudly every single night. My husband and I
have people honking at us every time we slow down to pull in our driveway. Some day a child will be injured. This is a family neighborhood and should have no more then a 35mph speed limit.