PHOTOS: Here’s What Not To Do

On Lake Carasaljo today.

Authorities continue to warn against walking on the lake.

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  1. Three Brave Individuals Demonstrate What Not To Do On The Semi-Ice-Coated Surface of Lake Carasaljo
    Three courageous individuals from Lakewood Township braved the frigid outdoor temperatures on Sunday and sauntered across the semi-ice-coated surface of Lake Carasaljo as part of an online video tutorial, as they demonstrated to their online audience what Lakewood residents should NOT do!
    “Do not walk upon this seemingly ice-coated Lake, or you’ll end up in the same precarious life-threatening situation that we are in at this very moment,” they hollered in an agonizing, trembling tone, while the camera was rolling.
    When the feet of one of the video instructors got stuck inside a large crevice inside the surface of the ice, he recited a chapter of Psalms from the depth of his heart, stared into the video camera and told his online audience: “Believe me, you don’t want to do what I’m doing right now, namely, attempting to extract myself from this deep hole in the ice before my entire body sinks completely to the bottom of the Lake with absolutely no chance of me getting out of here in one piece!” he said. “You can trust me on THAT one!”
    Another one of the three brave individuals inadvertently skidded 65 feet across the Lake’s surface before he landed with a loud thud on his backside.
    “Ouch, oy, vey!” the clearly agonized instructor hollered at the top of his lungs. “Please help me! Where’s Hatzolah’s aquatic department when you need them!? Oy!”
    “Do not try this at home,” he warned his online audience, “I promise you, you’ll regret it!”
    With the assistance of local emergency crews, two of the individuals returned safely to their homes, where they uploaded their video tutorial online, with the title of the video reading: “Here’s What Not To Do!”
    Emergency crews are still trying the extract the third individual from the Lake, but he refuses to be pulled out of the lake until they find his left shoe.
    “It’s a size-9, with thick laces,” he told the crew, “it’s waterproof, thank the Lord.”

  2. There were so many people on the ice at the lake today. Way more than 3 (could be dozens). I called the police and they said they received numerous calls about this. Very easy for a spot to soften and any person that falls in is most likely not making it out alive.
    Parents, this is negligence on your part and you could get jail time if anything G-d forbid happened to your child because you didn’t watch them. Safety first!!

  3. Have the skaters use the “Safety Pond”, where the water is only about 2 or 3 feet deep. That’s why it’s called the “Safety Pond”. Even if the ice breaks under you, you will only land in very shallow water and will not drown. That’s why the “Safety Pond” was made 40-50 years ago.

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