PHOTOS: Hatzolah Trains Another Shul in Use of Defibrillators

hatz aed 1Last week, Lakewood Hatzolah trained yet another Shul in the proper use of defibrillators – a device intended to shock victims of Cardiac Arrest.

The brief course was given to the Williams Street Shul by veteran Hatzolah member Reb Yisroel Meir Shapiro, who has trained other Shuls in the past.

‎Lately, many Shuls and other public places have begun purchasing (or receiving as donations) the life-saving devices, enabling any bystander to save a life during Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA).

hatz aed 2“With just a short course, a person can learn enough about the device to understand its uses, advantages, and get past the fear of being the one to use the device in case of this kind of emergency Chas V’Shalom,” says Reb Yisroel Meir Shapiro.


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  1. R’ Yisroel Meir Shapiro is an absolute Tzaddik in our time. He gives a brilliant shiur at SSSS, is a tireless Askan and Hatzolah member, a daf-yomi learber in middle of his 3d cycle And the nicest, unassuming, most laid-back guy u can ever hope to meet. Chazak V’ematz, R Yisroel Meir; I’m proud to be your friend.

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