PHOTOS: Hagaon Rav Yecheskel Roth Shlita Visits Lakewood

reb yecheskel rothHagaon Harav Yecheskel Roth Shlita, one of the leading Poskim of today’s generation, visited Lakewood this week.

The primary reason for the Rav’s visit was to raise funds for his Mosdos Khal Yirei Hashem – a Makom Torah in Boro Park which has produced numerous Poskim and Rabbanim, and where Shailos are brought at all hours of the day and night.

On Monday evening, the elderly Posek Davened Maariv the home of Reb Chananya Spitz, and on Tuesday evening, a Kabolas Panim was held for the Rav at the home of Reb Sruli Blier.



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