PHOTOS: Gratitude and Appreciation as Chanukah Candles Lit at NJSP Headquarters in Trenton

The Chanukah candles burned brightly at New Jersey State Police Headquarters on Monday, as faith leaders gathered with members of law enforcement to light the menorah in celebration of the festival of lights.

NJSP Superintendent Callahan was joined in Trenton by NJSP Chaplain Rabbi Abe Friedman, Rabbi Avi Richler, executive director of Chabad of Gloucester County and Rabbi Mendy Herson, executive director of Chabad of Basking Ridge in Trenton for the menorah lighting, a particularly poignant moment during a year that has been rife with challenges.

Also joined, were NJSP Chief Chaplain Rev. John Taylor, Senior Advisor to the Governor, Rev Dereck Green and NJSP command staff.

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