PHOTOS: Governor Christie this morning hosted a breakfast reception for Lakewood community leaders at his Drumthwacket Mansion in Princeton, NJ.
Mayor Akerman, Committeeman Miller and Committeeman Lichetenstein and about thirty community leaders took part in the breakfast, which began at about 8AM this morning.
During the breakfast, the Governor spoke to the crowd about his visits to Lakewood, his recent trip to Israel, and about his support for the Jewish community’s standpoint in same-gender marriage among other issues.
The Governor also thanked the audience for the support the Lakewood community showed for the Governor during his first run for office three years ago.
Following his short address, the Governor fielded questions from the audience.
The event concluded with Mayor Akerman presenting the Governor with a plaque containing a ‘key to the Township’ – the first such key the Governor ever received. TLS.
Nice! Can we get the names of the other attendees?
Great to see Lipa S of Mesameach at the event!
why was no one from the BOE invited? Is Christie snubbing Fink again?
TRANSPARENCY NEEDED! what was discussed? why is there no video? etc….
Why wasnt I invited? Not that I would have gone, but at least it would have felt good to have been invited.
just wondering-netz was around 715am princeton is like 40 minutes away- when did they daven?-and if they all made a minyan in princeton-did they bring along a sefer torah for krias hatorah?
What in the world is it YOUR business where/when they davened?!?!?!
Many poeple daven before netz in order to go to work and other appointments and that is not to mention that these same people are at a dof yomi shier or any other shier before that time so mind your own business where they davened…. They are all great G-D fearing jews
Yes, Indeed, Lipa, the tireless, selfless, head of Misameach was there & even got a pic w/ His Lordship. Good Job, Lipa !!
were any seniors from senior communities there???
Sir Ashray : Kol Haposel B’mumo Posel !!!!! Don’t expose urself just rectify
Hey, Jealous BOE, Jealous SENIORS, and all cranky Jealous guys that make noise every-time they are not invited to meet a politician.
i have good advice to you, wake up smell the coffee and maybe do something for the community then you might get some attention.