PHOTOS: Gov Christie with Trump in Ohio on this Super Tuesday


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  1. This is beyond horrible! Mr Tough Guy Conservative sold himself to a liberal so he could get a Job after NJ will dump him. (He announced that he’s not running again to avoid the embarrassment of getting booted by the voters)

  2. I’m just trying to understand something if someone could enlighten me. How is it that 4 years ago with Mitt Romney in the running, many people said that being that he’s so wealthy he’s out of touch with the average American and he doesn’t understand the challenges facing everyday Americans and all that etc… they even said that with Clinton too the last time around. And here’s Donald Trump who is obsessed with his wealth and his fame.. and can’t stop talking about himself and doesn’t care about anyone…believe me! (to use his phrase) And yet no one. …no one has raised that same concern that voters had with Mitt Romney who by the way is a much quieter and disciplined person who may have enjoyed his wealth but it was all in good taste. I cannot understand how people are not nauseated by the obsession that this guy has with himself and yet everyone…..well not everyone but too many are all over this guy….it defies logic.

  3. Mr. Conservative:
    Stop showing your ignorance. The governor will not be “booted out.” He is term limited by law to two terms. He has already been elected twice.

  4. @cool masmid.
    Your observations are correct, it defies logic.

    Furthermore, is it only me and you that realizes that Trump is a textbook narcissist. With all the trimmings!!

    How does any self respecting American vote for a man with this YUUGE of an ego.

    Yes, I know, Bill Clinton had an ego, President Obama has an ego, but not like this. In my life time I never saw an individual with a humongous ego that the regular Joe shmo is enamoured with.

    What about all the schleppers that lost their jobs as a result of his numerous bankruptcies?
    Or the subcontractors that weren’t paid as a result.

    IMHO The GOP woke up too late in bringing these issues to the forefront.

    I ask anyone considering voting for him: Does Trump care about you? Or is just about himself?

    Cool Masmid, you and I know the answer.

    My question is: Will America wake up?

  5. Cool & Yehuda – ur 100% wrong about the logic. Ur right that he’s a terrible person but it’s not surprising ppl R voting for him. He IS in touch with the ppls concerns and promises them to fix, tho we know he can’t. Ppl R scared of Muslims – He says: No Muslims allowed. Ppl lose their Jobs to Mexican Illegals, He says : I’m deporting all the Mexicans. This he can’t do any of these, ppl believe him and vote for him. In droves. It’s sad, but it IS logical, to them.

  6. @ jog a thon

    Trump is fear mongering. You are correct.

    My question is why in the world are people believing him? why?

    I’ll fix this and that he says. True He talks a good game. But his actions don’t match his rhetoric.

    He is a pompous vint bluzer.
    That’s it. And so many people are buying it. ,Very Very Frightening!!!!

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