A Frum Lakewood resident has been sworn in as a police officer with the Camden Police Department.
Uri Halle was among 111 new officers who graduated and joined 17 law enforcement agencies in Camden, Atlantic, Burlington and Salem counties. They graduated the 71st Basic Police Recruit Class graduates from the Camden County College Police Academy – the largest graduating class ever in the academy’s history.
Freeholder Director Louis Cappelli talked about the importance of the 62 of those officers coming to the Camden County Police Department.
“Many of these officers will be deployed to the sidewalks and neighborhoods of Camden to become part of a nationally recognized policing model focused on community engagement and mutual respect,” said Freeholder Director Louis Cappelli, Jr. “Our number one priority is to keep the residents of Camden County safe. These new police officers will make a tremendous impact in our county seat, and by doing so are making the region a safer place to live for all residents.”
Christopher S. Porrino, Attorney General for the State of New Jersey, gave the keynote address.
The men and women have gone through a rigorous six-month training program. They have learned from veteran officers, federal agents, college professors and civilian experts in a variety of fields and are well prepared to serve their new departments and communities.
Is it pronounced seventy firth or is it seventy oneth
It’s very nice but not something we glorify.
I don’t know you, but you sound like the type of person I wouldn’t want my kids looking up to.
We glorify good, kind people. We glorify people who do the right thing, for themselves, for our country and for society. People like Uri are role models for the rest of us.
very well said @yid again
Hatzlacha Rabbah!! A genuine accomplishment! Many more!!
Mazel Tov Uri! May you only have success in your endeavors I like that the scoop considers Cherry Hill part of Lakewood
well if you keep heading south on route 9 you’ll bump into Cherry Hill and shortly after Maryland
Uri!! Mazel tov we know this came with a lot of effort and its good to see !! Much hatzlocha!!!!
To “o yea” whats Cherry Hill ?
Mazel Tov! May you have much bracha vihatzlacha! Make us proud!
Congrats! Stay safe out there in Camden.
A big accomplishment indeed Camden is the real deal !! Mazel tov! we hope you will have much success may hashem bless and protect you
@ who. Why wouldn’t we glorify someone who has chosen a parnassah that allows him to help fellow human beings
and a parnassa that doubles as a revenue generator for the government.
Mazel tov Uri. Your news is always Lakewood news. Be safe and a kiddish Hashem.
Well done Uri! Be safe and g-d speed!
He grew up here but is not Lakewood resident. Get your facts.
Uri you did it!!!!!! You make your parents, in laws, family, friends, and neighbors so so proud to know you. This a major accomplishment due to your dillegence and perserverance! Mazal tov!
I agree with Lakewood driver
That’s great! Congrats!!
Well done, URI!! Keep safe out there! We’re rooting for u!
Hatzlacha Uri! You’re an nawesome guy and I’m sure it will show in your work! Stay safe!
Uri if u pull someone over and they in labor, plz do the right thing!:)
Just out of curiosity, how does his scheduling at a mandatory 40 hour week work with Shabbos? As it’s well-known rookies get the worst days and you got promoted through seniority which may take a couple years
Not to forget, stay safe and hope you make your family happy. May hashem be with you!!
@moshe246. We live in the USA. Religion must be honored. It’s the law.
uri we are so proud of you here in lakewood. please ignore the naysayers and hold your head up high. we know you will be a role model cop who will make all people not just jews in lakewood proud to say “im a friend of uri” Much Hatzlocha brocha mazel and parnassah.
To hunch, I’m aware of the Law that it’s illegal to discriminate against a person’s religious beliefs, however I had a long conversation with the Lakewood Police Department Officer and he specifically told me that he doesn’t understand how there could be a frum officer since it works through seniority and there’s no way around it. He said that in New York City it works probably because they have a special unit that these officers join that they do not have to work on Shabbos or Yom tov
So Catholics get every Sunday, Easter, Christmas etc off? Muslims get Ramadan off? This might sound weird….but I don’t think they do, and I know some very devout, religious Police Officers.
Does Camden have their own police force again? I thought that area was taken over by a regional county force?
Very Proud of you! Be well and Be Safe!!
To Tzvi who is driving South on Route 9 hoping to hit Cherry Hill and then Maryland…..Turn around!! 🙂
I know Uri well he is the founder of Chaveirim in Cherry Hill.
He’s on the way to be coming a detective this is a step on the way.
Good job Uri we are proud of you.
What a wonderful example. I hope that more frum young men will consider careers in LE.
I grew up in Brooklyn, so I guess I don’t have an agenda of trying to not be yishivish. So many of the commentators above, sound like reform Jews, Nebach.
To mmhhmm….the obvious difference is that other religions are allowed by religious law to work on there holidays…we cant
Wow, good for him! It’s an opportunity for amazing kiddish Hashem stories daily!
Even though respecting religion is the law in this country it’s still extremely difficult to get around working Shaabos and Yom Tov in any Police Department in this country. My question now though is how in the world did he manage the 6 month training with Shaabos and Yom Tov?
Seniority is for shifts. But it doesn’t overtake freedom of religion.
The officer is entitled to take himself out of the que for shabbos and yom tov. So there’s no way he’ll end up on shift.
Just bec you spoke to a lkwd police office, doesn’t mean you got correct info.
Speak to the HR dept, or compliance office. Then you’ll get your answers
I don’t understand why the scoop did not moderate the negative comments. what FOOLS! May Hashem bless this yid with hatzlacha and protection. For those of you who cant wrap your narrow minds around the fact that everyone has a calling and its not always learning, I truly pity you. Your ignorance is not only regarding the world around you, but also includes your limud as well.
Uri may you go out and be mekadesh shem Shomayim in every moment of every day. What a fantastic opportunity to make a real impact every day.
Believe it or not, most departments will make allowances for Frum Yidden (just like many companies will). If you are upfront and say “I cannot work on Shabbos or Yom Tov”, and explain what they are/ mean, you would be surprised. If an organization wants to hire you, they will hire you and then work with your schedule as best they can.
Take it from me, I have worked everywhere from Engineering firms to Investment Banks, and usually not for anyone remotely approaching Frum, even the other Jews! No one has ever given me an ounce of trouble b”h for not going out for lunch unless the restaurant was Kosher, or not working certain days.