PHOTOS: Experts Address Relief Event at Lake Terrace

Rabbi Zev Brown, PhD, panelist[COMMUNICATED] On Tuesday night an event was presented by Relief, the trailblazing organization in every aspect of mental health in our community. The focus of the evening was Connecting with our Children; Building Relationships to Last a Lifetime.

To this end, Relief brought together experts in this field who, like so many of their counterparts throughout the field of mental health have come to stand in awe of Relief and its accomplishments each and every day—breaking barriers, stigma, and fear in our community with regard this important component of the human existence.

The presentation on how to form lifelong connections featured Rabbi Yakov Sputz, LMHC, and Rabbi Zev Brown, PhD, both highly acclaimed and renowned educators and clinicians in their respective fields. Dr. David Lieberman, PhD, award-winning author and speaker, moderated the event. The panel then concluded with a Q&A session.

The evening was well attended by members of the community.

Video of event is available at [email protected]


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