A packed diverse class kicked off the newest C.E.R.T. course in Lakewood last night.
The course, given by a retired NJ State Trooper Lieutenant, was introduced by Police Chief Rob Lawson, who serves as the OEM Coordinator for Lakewood, as well as by Ocean County Sheriff Michael Mastronardy.
The courses are designed to educate local residents about many aspects of disaster preparedness for any number of situations that may occur. The course trains individuals in basic disaster and emergency response skills in classroom and live exercise settings. C.ER.T. volunteers are taught how they can assist and work together with local First Responder Units in the community to assist them in their work.
Among the many topics that will be covered and taught by certified by C.E.R.T. teachers are assisting in evacuations of homes and buildings during emergencies; helping with shelter operations for displaced persons; initial damage assessment; assisting in searches for missing persons; assisting in HAZMAT scene situations; staffing First Aid stations for large events; public support at community events; storm spotting and preparation; and much more lifesaving ways anyone can help First Responders in all types of situations.
Lakewood Chief Rob Lawson said, “Attendees will learn very practical things that citizens can help the Police Department and other First Response teams with. When we have large-scale emergencies, our resources are overwhelmed. Citizens can be of assistance and help the emergency response agencies, and that’s a very good thing for the town. Graduates of the course will receive C.E.R.T. certification and will be able to join C.E.R.T. teams.”
Approximately 40 men and women – including from faith-based communities – are taking part in this 6-week course.
Those who were turned down from this class due to space will have the opportunity to join another course which will be announced at a later time, organizers told TLS
Diverse? Meaning?