PHOTOS: Coventry Square Shteeble Kvias Mezuzah with Matisdorfer Rov Shlita Celebrates Expansion

kvias mby M.K. It was 12 1/2 years ago that a group of young Coventry Square residents got together to open ‎a Heimishe Shteeble.

Through the generosity of R’ Chaim Moshe Strulovic, the Shteeble was started in the dining room of a small ranch. R’ Mordechai Horowitz Shlita, son-in-law, of the Mattersdorfer Rov Shlita and maggid Shiur at Lakewood Mesivta, was hired to be the Rav.

Since then, the Jewish community of Coventry Square has grown tremendously and what was once a fledgling Minyan with a 25-seat Beis Medrash, has become a Shteeble of close to 100 Mispallelim.

Besides a full Shabbos schedule of Tefillos and Shiurim, the Shul alos boasts daily Shachris and a Sunday morning Kollel with a Shiur by R’ Micha Cohn.

Last night, a Kvias Mezuzah was held with the Mattersdorfer Rov Shlita, celebrating the renovated and expanded Shteeble.


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