PHOTOS: Chaveirim, Sheriff Mastronardy, Search Lake for Lakewood Boy’s Cochlear Implant, and Locate it

Yesterday, a boy playing at Ocean County Park in Lakewood lost his cochlear implant in the water.

The implant costs several thousand dollars, so the boy’s father reached out to Chaveirim to try and locate it.

But when park security told the members they needed to leave the park because it was closed, the members reached out Sheriff Mastronardy for help.

The Sheriff not only ordered for the park to remain open for the volunteers, but he himself came down to assist in the search.

After about an hour of searching the water with metal detectors, the team finally located the device.

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  1. Point of information: A cochlear implant is surgically implanted. The external processor is likely what was lost. The external processor should be removed before swimming or bathing, most aren’t waterproof.

  2. The external processor should be removed, but boys will be boys. And it could cost way more then several thousand dollars. A shout out to Chaverim and the Sheriff

  3. There are cochlear implant devices that are actually waterproof, but most are water resistant. The boy likely was playing near the water when it fell off.

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