PHOTOS: At the Superbowl CommUnity party in Toms River

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Superbowl mania should not be glorified on this website. This is really not what we want our children to look up to. It’s a narishkeit that consumes the sport crazed fans. This is not what we want our children ( nor grown ups) to be busy with . I don’t think this is really to hard to understand.
It’s a bizayon gadol that our Ihr Hatorah has such an event. No more Misyavnim!!!
C’mon Man!! is this what your advertising!! Superbowl partie!
Ckukas Hagoyim, Im Hagoyim, Not very imprresive
reminiscent of achashverosh’s party right in time for rosh chodesh
TLS- really?
I usually abhor Super Bowl parties but this looks like a very nice event.
I only wish someone from the community would submit a story to TLS what this was about, who sponsored it, venue & overall attendance & satisfaction of said attendees.
I am in total agreement with comments 1,2,3 and 5!
In agreement with all the hisnagdus and then some.
As an aside, I’m just left with so many questions.
1. Were there haircuts at the party?
2. Was there a clothing sale there or a free used cloths giveaway at the party.
3. Isn’t the location in Lakewood, and so why is it a tr event more than a manchester twnshp event.
4. Who is that one guy in about every picture.
5. How many sponsors could one party have. Is this like the achashvairosh haman and nivuzarden gala in one,
and lastly..
6. Is chabad of toms river the comparitive bais havaad of lakewood.
In agreement with every comment, especially number 6!
Nice to see different communities interacting in a respectful, very conservative social setting. Nothing wrong going on in any of these pictures. Haircuts. People standing and smiling, using VR glasses or sitting at tables to watch sports. PRETTY TAME SCENE. (Such ugly comments from the commenters above about misyavnim and achashveirosh.) Nice to see some folks with yarmulkes interacting with non-Jews in a very casual human setting. Not a bar or anything over the top. But a very low key non dramatic setting. Kol hakavod to you folks.
A guy named Meir Kay made a party for the homeless in Brooklyn and in other cities so they are have one in Toms River what’s the problem
This looks like a community togetherness project, which, while it is not necessarily what is needed in Lakewood, is a very important bridge-building endeavor in other communities.
That being said, I am also super curious about the answers to the first few questions posed by Number 8.
What does hair cuts have to do with super bowl?
I hope everyone enjoyed. Shkoyach to all who are making the effort to build a strong community.
I agree with @sonice
I would love the hear the back story and how the event went.
For those asking about the haircuts, clothing, etc. – I can’t speak for this event specifically, but Meir Kay has been running super bowl parties for the homeless in Brooklyn (videos on his YouTube channel), and he brought in barbers, clothing, etc. It’s possible something similar went on here.