Askanim from Lakewood and surrounding communities met with several county officials this evening for a pre-election conversation and discussion regarding various county related issues in Lakewood, Toms River, Manchester and Jackson.
Rabbi Moshe Zev Weisberg opened the meeting by thanking the officials for all their work and assistance over the years in Lakewood, and, more recently, in the surrounding municipalities.
Also in attendance was Rabbi Shmuel Blech, who noted the various communities which were represented, noting that the Achdus allows more to get done.
One of the many road projects discussed was the Vine Street roadway between Pine Street and Cedar Bridge Avenue, which is now expected to be completed in the next several months.
An area of concern was that the traffic light for the Vine Street and Cedar Bridge intersection be approved prior to the completion of the project, so that it can be installed right away.
Participating in the meeting from the county level were Ocean County Chairman George Gilmore, Ocean County Sheriff Michael Mastronardy, Ocean County Freeholder Virginia Haines, and Ocean County Administrator Michael Fiure.
Lakewood Committeemen Issac Ackerman and Menashe Miller were there as well.
I am very disappointed I am an adkan and I was not invited. I think we are all askanim if we go out and vote.
Why aren’t there town hall meetings so all can speak???
I was invited to this meeting but was too busy taking care of important askonus matters.