PHOTOS: Anti-Semitic Words Painted on Downtown Jewish Store

beepersPHOTOS: Police today are reviewing anti-Semitic words painted on a Jewish-owned store in the downtown section of the township.


The show owners of Lakewood BeepersĀ tell TLS they arrived to the shop this morning to find the word ‘JUDE’ painted numerous times on their display windows and signs.

The hate messages follow several other anti-Semitic messages found spray-painted and carved around town in the recent weeks.


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  1. When are we going to learn. This is so horrible. We always got along with everyone. What is going on in this town????? Time to look at the entire picture and revamp all departments and everything in this town. What a disgrace.

  2. To Judie,
    I agree it is horrible to see disgusting acts like these. That being said I dont know what department you want to revamp.
    If they caught the perp and decided not to prosecute then you would have a point
    But as far as I know, no one has been caught

  3. Why is Jude considered antisemitic? And before I get any nasty responses I just want to say no disrespect intended, I’m honestly just curious and don’t know why. What if it’s someone’s name?

  4. The word “Jude” evokes memories of Europe under Hitler, where Jews were required to identify themselves by wearing yellow stars with the word “Jude” written on them. The graffiti is likewise intended to “identify” the store as a Jewish-owned one.

  5. TO #5, Curious, Is it customary to spraypaint people’s names on store windows for no reason? I mean really, I’m curious how you could even ask such a question.

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