PHOTO of the scene of the MVA involving a Motorcycle and Ambulance last night on Hope Chapel Road, which claimed the life of the cyclist. The Motorcycle collided head on with the Ambulance while it was transporting a patient to the Hospital. A wheel from the motorcycle and of the ambulance both fell off from the impact. The man was transported to Jersey Shore Medical Center where he was pronounced dead. This is the second fatal motorcycle crash in just three days. This past Thursday, a motorcyclist was killed when he T-boned a vehicle on Massachusetts Avenue, as reported here on TLS. (Photo credit: Ben Miller/TLS-CCP/TLS-52)
Photo: Yet Another Motorcyclist Killed In MVA

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What Squad was involved?
Jackson First Aid, it happened in their town
If you go there now you could see how they spray-painted the road with circles and X’s etc. to show where the ambulance, motorcycle, body, etc. were all located.
Someone who works in ER told me that she hates summer cuz all these motorcycle people come out and end up in ER almost dead . (well….. in this case dead.)
Yeah, if it wasn’t for all those “motorcycle people” the ER could probably close up for the summer. Maybe the “ER Worker” you spoke to should find a new line of work if it’s so tough in the summer…
What are the details of the motorcycle fatality on Massachussets Ave? Any information on the driver of the car?