PHOTO: Vehicle egging in Lakewood

The vehicle was egged overnight in the area of New Hampshire Avenue and Locust Street.

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  1. Nothing new. When I moved south of the lake over 30 years ago my house was egged. We just didn’t have the internet then so it didn’t become well known, as is every antisemitic act, today. Anti Semitism was always here and won’t go away.

  2. It must go away. We should get involved in the fight against AntiSemitism by going to town council meetings and board of education meetings in neighboring towns (such as Brick) to demand sensitivity training and Holocaust education as the price for these crimes against innocent people.

  3. Teenagers/trouble makers have been throwing eggs at cars and houses for years. How is it anti-semitic? And not just stupid kids doing stupid things?

  4. @ chipperchicken:

    If you don’t think there’s growing antisemitism, you’re only fooling yourself. There are a great many of our “neighbors” who dislike the fact that our community is growing and would gladly see us leave, even though we make fair, honest, and even generous offers to buy their homes. They don’t like us, or our way of life. I have former business associates in Brick who have themselves seen our people be threatened with physical harm after homeowners, for example, have been approached with cash offers to buy their homes, up to the point of being chased into the streets and told to never come back. If you’re unaware of this, you’re not talking to enough people. It’s not exactly a secret.

  5. I also won’t blame egging cars on anti-semitism unless i see multiple claims of only vehicles with hebrew bumper stickers egged while others remain untouched.

    To Yechiel- sensitivity training should be a given no matter where you go. And Holocaust education is taught in public high school during world history. But it is taught differently than in at least 1 local Hillel, where the children were SHOCKED to find out that the people that hid so many survivors weren’t Jewish themselves. There are good and bad people in all races and religions, and a proper education helps everyone.

  6. To Yechiel- there is plenty of antisemitism out there, but I don’t want to say this story is until we see it become a bigger issue. It could’ve been anyone from a bored teen to an angry neighbor who wanted the van out of his parking spot.

    When I lived by Passaic, my husband’s car was egged, while mine had been hit with pizza (cheese side down). The teens that hung out on my corner talked loudly after midnight, launched bottle rockets, etc. It had nothing to do with me, they were just idiot kids. Unless someone is hurling eggs at an innocent mother while screaming derogatory comments, we can’t call this “blatant antisemitism”.

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