PHOTO: Van full of Bachurim Flips as Driver Swerves to Avoid Deer

overturn bachurimA 15-passenger van full of Bachurim overturned last night when the driver swerved to avoid a deer, but all miraculously escaped without injury.

At about 11:30 PM last night, the Bachurim – and a Rebbe – were headed from Lakewood to Philadelphia when the the driver swerved to avoid a deer in the roadway near the 195 and lost control of the vehicle. The vehicle flipped, coming to rest on its side on the side of the road.

Lakewood Hatzolah was called, but luckily the Bachurim all managed to climb out of the vehicle.

In an interesting twist, a Rebbe on board was carrying about $1,500 in Tzedakah money being brought to Philadelphia, and shortly before the van overturned, he took off his jacket with the money inside. He was unable to locate the jacket until the van was turned upright, and the jacket – with the Tzedakah money inside – came flying out of a cracked window.

The Bachurim received rides back to Yeshivah.



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  1. At first I was taken aback at lamdins klal to hit the deer. So I checked up on the DMV website and he is absolutely right. One is better off hitting the deer. They do note that when it comes to a moose which is much heavier than a deer the advise is to swerve.

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