PHOTO: USPS Lakewood branch shut, reportedly due to COVID

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Thought they closed down a while ago, the way my mail was not being delivered.
The Lakewood Public Library is temporarily closed since Dec 30. The outdoor bins for returning books are also not available.
Does that mean no mail until further notice??
Lakewood Post in Gourmet Glatt plaza is open and is a contract USPS if anyone needs.
Does that mean no pickup also?
If you are someone trying to avoid catching COVID-19 then I advise not to go there. Last time I was there no one wearing masks or social distancing. No partition between the people at the counter. Employees also not wearing masks. I open the door took a look inside and just left. It’s like a Covid death trap.Sirius Lee people why can’t we all comply with the rules and maybe protect others from catching this dreaded virus.
Chaim, I like most ppl in town already had Covid sometime over last 9 months. Although ppl should follow the rules Post Office ain’t no death trap. Daven to Hashem for he is the true Shomer Yisroel.
There are partitions at the counter and the employees do wear masks.
Masks don’t do any good, give a false sense of security
I was in the post office on Swarthmore yesterday. The self service machine is open as well as the parcel drop off basket.
My brother works at this post office, and it appears the “clerks” were the only ones affected. Normal mail delivery will continue.