PHOTO: State and Local Officials Study Route 9

PHOTO: [UPDATED] After years of talk about Route 9 widening, it appears things may finally be moving ahead.

Senator Singer’s Office today brought down DOT Commissioner James Simpson, along with the DOT Assistant Commissioner and the DOT Chief of Staff, who together with the Mayor, Committeeman Miller and the Township’s Engineer, drove down to several locations along Route 9 and River Avenue to study the congested State road.

In addition to studying the road for the purpose of wideneing, the officials also got a first hand look at the problematic intersections – some which they hope to equip with traffic lights.

Among the intersections observed, were the intersections of 7th Street and Madison Avenue and 5th Street and Madison Avenue.

“I am confident that this meeting, which allowed for a closer examination of the area’s long term transportation needs, will support the case for targeted improvements and will help expedite the necessary projects forward,” said Senator Singer. [TLS]

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  1. Funny they should come today…right when bein hazmanim starts. Let them come when BMG is open to get a real picture of what goes on here.

  2. Agreed about the timing being totally off…but what about the congestion south of the lake? They are looking at 5th and 7th streets???!!! They just got widened a couple years ago!

  3. I hope they don’t put a traffic light st 7th and 5th and Madison. There are lights on Madison. Traffic is slow enough without having a light on every block.

  4. A lot of pedestrians have recently been struck by vehicles at those intersections. They need traffic lights there to help people cross.

  5. You want to add more traffic lights to route 9 north from main st? do you want to move at a snails pace or sync them all to the same sequence, so you are not stopping and going all the way up to howell
    People need to pay attention and not run out into traffic..cross at a crosswalk with a traffic light..what is walking a block either direction going to cost..5 minutes..rather than adding lights

  6. you are correct @6.trivia. They are looking at the bush because they waited 20 years too late to do anything else and are stumped. All those traffic lights they have installed should have had a dedicated left turn arrow installed when they put in the left turn lane, like hear this bush. Traffic is horrendous at this intersection with people cutting others off during turns. They really need to take property by eminent domain now to widen River Avenue south to the Toms River border, even if it is just a center turn lane all the way down and smart signals at existing and new developments.

  7. Study, study, study. The main jam is south of the lake, from central till prospect. And that’s north bound & SouthBound. There- u don’t have to study any more. A prev poster is right. Kudos to whoever repainted Rt 9 North of lake w/ turning lanes. That area is a LOT better.

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