PHOTO: Rabbonim Sign on Proposed Expansion of Westgate Shul ahead of Hearing [UPDATED]

westgate expansionRabbonim in Lakewood are asking residents to come show support at a hearing for the expansion of the Bais Medrash of Kelmwoods in Westgate.

“B”H the Shul is bursting at the seams and is desperate to expand,” a representative from the Shul told TLS. “Al Pi Haskomas Harabonim, the Oilam is requested to come show support for this great cause.”

chasimus pageThe hearing will be taking place at 7 PM this evening at the Municipal building.

Update from Shul Represanative: “Thank you to the 150 strong who came in support last night. Unfortunately the board ran out of time and the hearing was pushed off till Feb. 2nd. It set back the shul by about $5000 between the lawyer, engineer and traffic study specialist. Any donations to offset the costs would be greatly appreciated and can me mailed to the shul at 47 Kelmwoods Ave. Checks can be made out to Beis Medrash of Kelmwoods. Please memo building campaign. Tizku Lemitzvos.”


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  1. Finally an opportunity to fix the shul disaster in Westgate. A community with KA”H close to 1000 families, stuck with a shul that can’t accommodate a quarter of the oilam. Major chillul Hashem for the largest frum development to be forced to daven in basements or needing to daven out of the neighborhood.

  2. The Rabonim (Rabbi Shulgaser, Rabbi Shachar, Rabbi Forscheimer, Rabbi Finkel) and Rosh Hayeshivah Reb Malkiel signed off on the blueprint, it’s right there black and white.

  3. @KiddushHasem Nowhere do they write anything along the lines of requesting people to attend a hearing or that they even feel it is good thing. It only states that it fulfills a psak din.

  4. Is there some issue here..? Why do we need Haskomas Harabonim to build a new Shul? How come Rav Zimbal and Rav Helberg have not signed? Why do we need a hearing? Not common that the town as a whole is asked to come to hearing for a neighborhood Shul. What’s going on?

  5. Bais Medresh of Kelmwoods is Rabbi Helbergs shul. From what I heard Rabbi Zimbal is not at all opposed to this expansion. Both shuls are ka”h over full.

    There are those opposed to this thinking that there should only be one shul for app. 900 families ka”h which is not feasible. However from what I understand the Rabbonim in WestGate are true role models of achdus and only wish the best for each other.

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