PHOTO: Officials Warning Residents not to Pull Trash Bins from Open Vehicles; Multiple Summonses Issued

pulling trash bins to siteTLS has received numerous reports today regarding children pulling trash bins from opened vehicles en-route to the trash drop-off sites.

Officials have advised TLS that this practice is extremely dangerous, as well as illegal.

A Lakewood Police official tells TLS that multiple drivers around town have been stopped and issued sommonses for this practice.

pulling can with bikeDrivers are urged to either place the trash bags in their vehicle, or walk the bins to the nearest drop-off site.


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  1. Oh c’mon. Extremely dangerous??!! How many incidents have there been with numerous people doing this over the years? It’s more dangerous trying to cross rt. 9 on any given day with half the town on their cell phones. Let’s try to put things in proportion folks.

  2. how in the world am I to get the garbage to the nearest bin? ( which is not so near). My garbges are FULL, they were last collected on Monday!!!

  3. hey #3 what happens if your kid who is holding onto that garbage can falls out of the vehicle you are driving and since the cars behind you dont see your lights they run over the cans and your kid?? Then what.

  4. The law is to get rid of bread items. How much bread items does everyone have? if you are doing spring cleaning take advantage of bulk pickup in the weeks preceding this holiday.

  5. This happens every year, lets wait until the day of to put this out. Instead of telling people ahead of time its illegal and educate on the importance of not doing this from a safety aspect or a debris in the roadway problem

    By doing this on the same day, there will be no repercussions and no one is going to get a ticket anyway

  6. More proactive….they post the same thing every year, and one would think common sense would dictate that you dont put a child in a car trunk, holding onto heavy trash bins, pulling them down the road. This holiday comes every year and its always the same rush, being proactive would have been being prepared ahead of time….

  7. The reason they re not picking up tomorrow because its a holiday for the goyim employees….they deserve a holiday once in a while….stop all the kvetching

  8. Besides all the dangers involved, you also end up ruining the bin wheels. The bins are not designed to be driven for such distance and speed. This causes axle and wheel damage. Just rrmember, you do not own these bins,.so dont abuse them

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