PHOTO: New Freeholder Sworn In; 2nd Woman in History of County to Serve as Freeholder

haines swearing inVirginia (Ginny) Haines was sworn to the office of Ocean County Freeholder today during a brief informal ceremony at the Ocean County Administration Building, Toms River.

With Ocean County Freeholder Director John C. Bartlett Jr., holding the Bible, Ocean County Counsel John C. Sahradnik Jr. administered the oath of office.

hainesAs earlier reported, Haines was appointed to a seat on the Freeholder Board by the Ocean County Republican Committee on Jan. 26. She succeeds Freeholder James F. Lacey who retired from the Freeholder Board at the end of 2015.

Haines, a Toms River resident and a lifetime resident of Ocean County, has served in the state Assembly, as New Jersey Lottery Director and on the Dover Township (Toms River) Committee. She is the second woman in the history of the County to serve on the Board. Hazel Gluck, Lakewood, was the first woman to serve as a Freeholder.

A formal swearing in ceremony will be held next month.


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