PHOTO: Misapllelim Concerned After Multiple Vehicles Vandalized Outside Shul

vandalism county lineToday, a third vehicle was vandalized outside a Lakewood Shul, and Misapellim are beginning to think they may be targeted.

A vehicle parked outside the Vialepol Shul on County Line Road had its window shattered, though nothing was stolen.

Last week, another vehicle had its window shattered – and again nothing stolen – and the week prior another vehicle.

One of the victims told TLS that based on where the vehicles were vandalized, he has a feeling this may be a targeted and biased crime.

Police took a report, and according to the victim police are trying to determine if all the incidents are connected.


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  1. i live near the area and while i am not condoning vandalism, the oilam who frequents this shul sometimes displays questionable driving and parking habits, which may be offending the various alternative religious organizations which are located across the street. Just saying.

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