PHOTO: The Mayor – along with Committeeman Meir Lichtenstien and Police Chief Rob Lawson Thursday got a birds eye view of the damage in Lakewood caused by Hurricane Sandy.The officials – at no cost to the taxpayers – rented a helicopter to tour Lakewood and decide what their next plan of action should be.
“Being overhead gave us an updated birds eye view of the of the entire town and the exact damgae which will enable us to properly pinpoint with detail our next steps toward recovery”, Mayor Miller told TLS.
Mayor Miller and Meir Lichtenstein -THANK YOU for your leadership throughout the crisis!
They both look like they haven’t slept properly in days.
Ditto to #1.
They have both been in the forefront and visible during the entire situation. They even came to my block with DPW personnel to expedite a tree removal.
look good to me
I am sooo proud to be part of such a town… that has such a caring mayor, comiteeman, askanim etc. who REALLY CARE! Looknow further than NY- Where all the residents are cursing out Micheal Bloomberg ( abt marathon…) and just want to see him OUT! I feel that every city and stateshould feel cared for and appreciate the poeple they voted for! And thats what we luckily have her in in our beutiful town called LAKEWOOD 🙂
Willow court still out – HELP
This is a town where tremendous amounts of Chesed gets done.
Who paid for the gas of helicopter