PHOTO: Local Resident Creates Car Window Sticker to Bring Awareness to Handicapped Parking Violations

A local resident fed up with drivers abusing handicapped parking violations decided to do something about it.

So he created a sticker to place on vehicles’ windows.

“I just feel like it’s reached a boiling point around town,” says the resident, who wishes to remain anonymous. “Too many times have I seen elderly and handicaps with placards shaking their head in agony and disbelief upon pulling up to their designated handicap section only to be disappointed that someone perfectly healthy with no disability with a much more important task had to park in their spot to get errands done.”

He added, “My goal with the nonstick vinyl window placards is to politely remind people that what they’re doing is not so nice. I’m sure of it, that once someone gets one of those on their car, they’ll stop a moment to be mindful in the future and hopefully not repeat that behavior again. Positive enforcement works.”

Do you think this is a good idea?


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    • perfect!
      while there are times that its appropriate to put a permanent sticker, definitely for the most part this is the way to go, Kudos!

  1. It’s a good idea but I don’t think it’s effective. The people who park there are the same entitled people who cause accidents nearly every time they drive. They think they always have the right of way and the right to double park and block the whole parking lot. These people are hopeless. A sticker won’t change anything. It will just make them upset at the person who put on the sticker. “I was just running in for a minute”.

    • I hope that you are successful with your efforts. It’s an ingenious idea but the truth is most people will peel the sticker off and toss it on ground. It seems that today’s society lacks common courtesy and has no respect for the general public. It’s not just happening in Lakewood, it’s everywhere. Good luck with your project.

  2. Amazing! Sensitively worded & genius that it won’t damage property.
    It’s indeed very upsetting to see perfectly able people bounce out of their cars & run into stores! I’m not sure if these stickers will have an impact but it’s worth a try. Where can I get/buy some?

    • You don’t know what a person’s disability is, they may bounce out of their car but then have seizures !!!! You can’t judge people is they have a placard and don’t look disabled to you it’s not your call. Now if they don’t have a placard that’s a different story

  3. I once considered doing the same, and adding a quotation from Kesuvos 68a:
    ת”ר המסמא את עינו והמצבה את בטנו והתקפח את שוקו אינו נפטר מן העולם עד שיבא לידי כך.
    Translated: if a person imitates a physical handicap for personal gain, he will not leave the world before actually experiencing that disability.
    I realized it was futile, becase many of the people who do this have Michael Avenatti’s immunity to shame.

    • This will really make things tough as it will be necessary to be disposed in a kavodika way. Having a gemara on there will definitely make things complicated!

  4. Excellent idea! But before slapping on the sticker, please verify that there isn’t a tag hanging inside the car, which is often the case.

    • That is a Christian belief & not a Jewish one.
      As J*s*s is famously quoted to have said, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”
      Do you think Rabbanim serving as judges were always perfect in every area of their lives?

  5. Good.
    People should be more aware of accessibility for those with disabilities.

    Another area we can be more mindful in is how our buildings are designed. Ramps, tactile markings, Braille, to name a few

  6. I personally would never park in a handicap spot but how can he or anyone decide they are a judge? Maybe someone is very ill or weak or other reasons why they parked there. Maybe other family emergencies etc. But besides for this, even if they unlawfully park there, who is he to teach a lesson? Can I smack this guy when he talks in Shul and disturbs? Or put a sticker like this on his clothes? I’m sure he’s not perfect whoever came up with this brilliant foolish idea. He is welcome to wait outside nicely and speak to the person when they come out. This is going down a dangerous path. Maybe I should report him when he speeds on the highway?

    • The word “Maybe” has perhaps been the most damaging word ruining our society. No one can say anything anymore because of “Maybe”
      A boy who wins gold medals running marathons parks in a handicap space but MAYBE he stubbed his toe this morning.
      A man throws 50lbs bags of flour around all day but MAYBE he just came from the doctor who told him he has a heart problem.
      A man passed a bus with flashing lights & almost hits a child but MAYBE his wife called & said she doesn’t feel well.
      There are bad or uncaring people in every society & the word MAYBE let’s them get away with it. Because MAYBE this person who doesn’t care about anyone else is not part of the 10% of selfish people but is part of the 1% that really has a valid excuse.

    • There is not one court in the country that would penalize the person who does this. Not, at least, until Marjorie Taylor Greene becomes a judge.

  7. Yes! Yes! Yes! As someone who had invisible disability for many years at a young age, this was agonizing to not be able to go shopping for my young family because the only spots available were too far for me to attempt the walk to the store

  8. For those who decry that this is “vandalism”…I wonder. Since these stickers are easily removable, how is it any different than if a note was written on a piece of paper and left under the windshield wiper? Would that also be “vandalism”? I don’t think so. And for those who claim that the OP has no right to be teaching others a lesson, does that mean that tochacha is not permitted, even in this relatively benign way? I don’t believe that’s true either. NJ requires either a handicap license plate and/or an official placard on display. “I’ll just park for a minute,” or “I twisted my ankle this morning” are NOT valid excuses; lacking either a plate or placard is ipsi facto proof that the driver has NO RIGHT to be parked in a designated handicap space! Period.

  9. These people have no decency. The only way it will work is if it is a deterrent; if the sticker is very hard to come off. However, it may be illegal to put such a sticker on, so there’s really no way besides police enforcement. I think the cops are too busy in Lakewood for that…

  10. I need stickers that say, “Do not block sidewalks”, “Do not block driveways”, “Do not block corners” as I walk a few times a week with a special needs young man. It is Very dangerous for me to have to push him down curb, walk in street then find a place to lift wheelchair up on curb. I get it, everyone is busy and in a hurry, but they need to take a deep breath and realize they’re not the only ones that are pressed for time. One thinking before doing could actually be helping someone else

  11. I pulled up at Kosher Village at the same time as a 25 year old woman. She parked in the handicapped spot. There is only one spot available for handicapped people at that supermarket. I pointed out that out to her and she laughed and said she will make it quick. I want to point out to everyone that you may not park in the striped area near a handicapped spot either. That is designated for a ramp. By parking there you are in essence not allowing a wheelchair bound person out of their car.

  12. Here’s another idea. In many municipalities in NJ, auxiliary police are authorized to issue citations. How hard is it to join the auxiliary police? No more “קשוט עצמך ואחר כך קשוט אחרים”, no more “it’s vandalism!”, no more other self serving rationalization.

  13. Yes too many people are abusing the law and it time to create Lakewood Parking Authority in Lakewood NJ and it will help crack down illegal parking in entire township!!!! I really want to see Cheif Police and Township create one and hire 25 or 50 new township Lakewood Parking Authority and end nonsense!!

  14. It makes me upset when I go to the grocery store and people use the handicapped space as their pull over and talk on the phone space and their wait for people space. It’s not short term parking for all – it’s for me since I cant walk distances without walker or support of a cart. I wish Lakewood police would enforce better.

    • Well said. POLICE should inforse it. Not like some think that any individual can put on a sticker on someone else’s car. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

  15. This brings back the feeling of hunger I’ve had some nights my wife was working and I had no one to bring me food.

    This brings back the feeling I had when I had a crying baby at home but couldn’t get into the store to get formula that has ran out.
    This brings back old wounds that still hurt me when reading about this issue

  16. I use a similar method for people crossing out of the crosswalk, i slap them across the face in a non stick fashion welcome to the self made policeman club

  17. If possible – please create similar stickers to people to park in between not ON WHITE LINES, hogging two spots.

    Also pls make stickers to park in the center and not too close to the car next to you-thereby having to climb thru the passenger side to get into the driver seat.

    There is nothing illegal about teaching other basic middos!

  18. This is reminder to everyone about parking properly and not leaving your car angled into spots.
    And once I’m at it-DO NOT LEAVE YOUR KIDS IN THE CAR!!!!!!

  19. Im not saying its right. But lately every single spot in shopping centers across town are designated to either handicap, pregnant women, curbside delivery, and the list goes on. There are barely any spots for the regular customers anymore!!!!

  20. Something to remember: your children are watching! When they see you doing something illegal, like parking in a handicap spot, or DRIVING the WRONG WAY on a ONE WAY street, their take away is that it is ok to cut corners and do illegal acts for anything.

  21. An example of negative people picking a random issue and running around obsessed with it.

    For the most part, it’s weirdos and bitter negative people behind this and similar ‘initiiatives’
    They should have a support group, where each of person gets 3 minutes to spend time finding good things about the wonderful people around them.

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