PHOTO: Lakewood resident finds Swastika at his front door

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maybe a neighborhood would nice?
perhaps we need to stop calling attention to these poor souls who have, nebech, nothing else to do with their time. when the media gives credence
to their juvenile behavior it makes them feel brave and bold instead of stupid and meaningless
I think it’s time for us to get serious and start waiting for Moshiach. This is the message Hashem is sending us. Jew, .dont be so comfortable you’re in Galus you don’t belong here. Stop with the narishkeit grow up! wake up!! Get real! WE WANT MOSHIACH NOW!!!!!!!
Wasn’t in Jackson.
I thought only Jackson has such chevrah
What does the other symbol mean that’s towards the center of the doorway, also in red?
This is not a Nazi swastika. This is a Indian swastika that is drawn. Hindus are celebrating diwali right now I think. Let’s all try and learn about other people and other cultures and respect one another. I think hashem would want us to do our due diligence and educate ourselves properly before jumping to conclusions.
Excuse Me, but that it is an absolutely ridiculous comment!
First of all, Hitler got the swastika from the Indian Swastika (See Wikipedia)
Second, I don’t care what symbol someone spray paints outside my front door, vandalism is still a punishable crime.
I think you are taking Dan L’kaf Zechus WAYYYYYYYYYY to far!!!!
A is right it has absolutely nothing to do with a swastika it’s the Indian Festival time right now they have all these crazy sorts of decorations going on all over their houses
If it looks like a duck, and it sounds like a duck…