PHOTO: Lakewood Police Officer Honored for Saving Maryland Woman run over by Bus in Lakewood

sandstrom lawsonA Lakewood Police Officer was honored an the 61st Annual (Monmouth Ocean County Intelligence Bureau) MOCIB Valor Awards ceremony today for saving a woman who was severely injured when she was struck by a bus.

During an event in Spring Lake, New Jersey, Officer Joseph Sandstrom was awarded the ‘Honorable Service’ award for saving a Maryland woman struck by a New Jersey Transit bus in Lakewood.

On May 30, 2015, the 68-year-old woman was crossing 6th Street on Route 9 in Lakewood when she was struck, and had her legs pinned under the bus. Both her legs were severed.

woman struck by bus rt 9“Officer Sandstrom quickly rendered first aid to the victim, and applied tourniquets to the victim’s legs to stop the bleeding,” the award description read. “The victim was transported to Jersey Shore Medical Center and survived her ordeal thanks to the quick actions of Officer Sandstrom.

Police Chief Rob Lawson was on hand to congratulate the officer.



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