Lakewood Hatzolah members and staff last night celebrated with the delivery of a new ambulance.
The ambulance will replace a 12-year-old mechanically unsound ambulance, says Rabbi Avrohom Waxman, Lakewood Hatzolah’s Director of Development.
“This new ambulance will enable us to transport patients in a safe and timely fashion,” says Rabbi Waxman.
The new ambulance cost approximately $190,000 fully equipped.
“With the dedication opportunities, you can be part of saving a life,” says Rabbi Waxman.
Click here to visit Hatzolah’s website.
Nice rig! May it never be needed!
It is time we give R’ Avrohom Waxman his due. When he joined Hatzolah, about 11 yrs ago, Hatzolah was, basically, broke. The members, oftentimes had to fill up the ambulance with gas using their own money. The communications systems were held together with scotch tape, or Band-Aids, as it were & the ambulance and equipment were old and unreliable. Since R’ Avrohom came on board, they got, like, 5 new ambulances, thousands of dollars in new equipment & there’s money for gas, Insurance & upkeep. Thanx R’ Avrohom, ur doing an amazing job & the Klal owes u a debt of gratitude. Chazak V’ematz !! Tizku L’Mitzvos !!