PHOTO: Lakewood First Aid Fund Drive Mailer Returned With Hate Message

PHOTO: Officials at Lakewood First Aid were hoping the envelope they received back this morning contained a check to help support the non-profit organization, but they were wrong. Instead, they received back the anonymous envelope with a shocking anti-Semitic message

Click on the photo to read the message.

“All our members are volunteers who drop whatever they’re doing to help anyone at no cost,” LFA President Raphael Lasry tells TLS. “Receiving hate mail is disturbing.”

The organization is funded solely by donations, Lasry says.

The volunteer organization, which has 38 members, serves as a backup to the Township’s EMS squad. The squad responds to approximately 1,000 calls per year, and also performs extrications. [TLS]

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  1. Wow. Amazing how someone can have such disrespect for a volunteer squad made up of dedicated individuals that drop everything at any given time to save anothers’ life.

    I’m disgusted.

  2. This guy thinks he is tough, but really he is a coward. He is probably bragging to his buddies about what he did, and they probably are giving him credit for his action. The fact that he did not sign his name, shows that he is scared of the repercussions of a hate crime. He is the same guy that screams expletives or throws eggs at minorities and then drives away as fast as possible. One big fat coward!!!

  3. A feeble mind individual who forgets when he falls off a ladder in his house, its LFA or Hatzolah who are going to carry his (moderated) to the hospital. I sent my check in yesterday.

  4. Actually it is the Jews who pour in all the money into this town.

    What’s ironic is the Liberty stamp he/she placed on the envelope. The country this stamp represents was founded on precisely what this “scumbag” hates so much, tolerance and freedom for ALL!

  5. I am not like others who say ignore, that’s the wrong attitude. It’s high time people stand up for others as we all know evil and wrong is wrong.

  6. actually, the jews don’t even use this service much, as they have so many wonderful volunteers under an agency i believe called Hatzalah which primarily service their ambulatory needs. I am not jewish, but was stuck in Lakewood (my transmission went), and a wonderful orthodox jew in Lakewood associated with an organization I believe called Chavarim (or s/t like that) assisted me with helping move my car off the road. I didn’t have any money on me and i needed my car towed right away, because my sisters wedding was in 2 hours. The man couldn’t help me further, but felt very bad for me and gave me $200 as a gift to get my car towed and have some money to pay for a car service to get there on time. There are many nice orthodox jews, but unfortunately some of my colleagues like to focus on the negative.

  7. Hard to believe there are so many people like this out there..I am not jewish and I am a first responder. If someone calls me for help..IM GOING I don’t care if they are white, black, yellow, green (well I would worry a little if they were) or any other color for that matter ..when someone calls for help you go..this person just doesn’t understand the magnitude of what they said. It doesn’t just hurt the jewish population but everyone that is involved in emergency response in Lakewood..Shame on them.

  8. #19 Im not Jewish..I’m Catholic… I too got stuck once..someone saw me and called in for help..I was on the road within 20 minutes… Amazing and Friendly

  9. Mathew – thank you for your kind words. America was built upon the shoulders of immigrants of all walks of like. There are many that contribute to society and there are others that do the opposite. We all have our faults but our goal has to be how can we live in harmony although our backgrounds differ. The world will be better for it. God Bless America! (I loved your line about helping the green!)

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