PHOTO: The attached photo should shock any parent. The photo, snapped by another mother, was taken this afternoon at an area shopping plaza.
The photo shows a small infant restrained in an infant seat, sleeping alone in a vehicle. The mother who snapped this photo with her cell phone and submitted to TLS, says the vehicle was running, the window open, and the parents nowhere in sight.
The mother who snapped the photo says other parents witnessed it as well, and went into the stores in search of the parent.
Just days ago, TLS reported two similar incidents.
ATTENTION PARENTS: With extreme temperatures headed our way, please use extreme caution while doing errands with children. In 95 degree weather, a locked vehicle can reach fatal temperatures within minutes.
Additionally, if a police officer notices your child alone in a vehicle, you can be arrested and charged.
where was this, did she call the police? That is crazy!!
some people never learn!
Some people say take the baby away, I say put the parents away . I don’t pity any parent who risks the life of a child no matter what.
Did this photographer call the police? Can someone please explain to me why the police are NEVER contacted and photos such as this ends up on this site? I think the police should force, through the courts, TLS to turn over any information related to the person or person(s) whop took this photograph. Beware TLS, they do have the authority to request this information!
They will claim that it was a joke and that they planted the picture to generate controversy. Unfortunately you need more evidence than a picture on a website.
The article clearly says person that took this picture was one of several witnesses. The other people there probably called the police. Don’t shoot the messenger!
I wouldn’t hesitate to call the police if I witnessed this travesty.
Number 5, you are incorrect. If reasonable suspicion exists, the police and prosecutor’s office can look into this matter.
there is never an excuse for this.
Horrible! So dangerous!
**warning – graphic description ahead**
On a hot day, the inside of a car can rise to 140 degrees in minutes. At that temperature, the skin of a child or infant will turn red and start to bubble. The air in the car is so hot, it will burn the lungs with each breath. Due to the swelling of the skin, it will be very difficult for the child to sweat, so the body temperature will continue to rise. After just a few minutes, the temperature of the brain will get hot enough where brain cells will start to die off. Cells in other organs like kidney and liver will also start to die. The child will experience excruciating pain and it will probably be the most miserable experience he has ever gone through. He will be too weak to cry and will start losing his vision. The poor child will experience fear like never before and cry out for his mommy or daddy, but no one can hear him in a car with the windows closed. Death can follow very quickly.
The above description is not a scare tactic. It is real and happens every time a child is left in a hot car for more than a few minutes. Print this out and keep it with you. The next time you think its okay to leave him in the car for a just a few minutes, read it and ask yourself “do I want to put my precious baby through this?”
Window open, motor running, ac is on, parent watching from 30 feet away (since we don’t know that’s not the case), and the rest of you can tell me you never watched your child from 30 feet away!!!!!!??????!!!!!!!!
Self righteous anyone !!!!!!!????
wow what will it take for these parent’s to wake up and see what danger they are placing their children in. this person who took the picture why did ‘nt she call the police, parents should be arrested
I wish I didn’t read this. It brings tears to my eyes. That poor baby. I wouldn’t hesitate to call the authorities. Anyone could have taken that baby.
I assume the mother thought she’d run into a store for just a “minute”, which always takes longer than that. If the weather were cooler and the times were safer, I myself wouldn’t think it’s so bad to leave a sleeping child in a car for a short while. (When I was a young child it was perfectly normal to leave a baby outside a store in a carriage, no one worried about kidnapping) However in this day and age, unfortunately things are different. We have to worry that there are all kinds of crazy people out there that wish to harm a child. It’s not the mother that’s bad, it’s the times we live in.
I agree with # 4. enough is enough……dont be lazy, take ur kids in & outta the car when going shopping EVEN FOR ONE MINUTE
Car running window open?? If this was winter no one would have the problem so whats the big deal??
I hope they called the police! I know I would have. This has to stop, wake up Lakewood. I also agree with Law and Order.
you need to take a test and obtain a liscense to drive a car. a background check and fingerprints are required to buy a firearm. proper identification is needed to get a checking account. but any common moron can become a parent of a child!!!!!
What does the police have to do with this neurotic photographer? No crime was committed and the AC was on MIND UR OWN BUSINESS
to #18……ummmm,I IT IS a big deal! It doesn’t matter whether it is winter, summer, spring or fall. A responsible parent does not leave a child unattended in a car.Particularly with the engine running. There is no argument that can dispute the fact that you are endangering a child’s welfare by doing so. No judge or jury in his right mind would even consider such an act to be acceptable. People need to think before they act.
Based on what can a police officer arrest and charge? In NJ there is no law against leaving a child in the car. There is no more neglect than the hundreds of kids who play on the street in this town unsupervised. Obviously if the AC is on or it is cool weather whats the issue?
it is this exact mentality ( what’s so wrong) that sets up a scenario for disaster.
if people don’t get it by now, they never will!
shame, shame!
Looks staged….. bottom right corner shows two fingers one has a wedding band on?
The one who took the picture is a very intrusive person who obviously had other than the child’s best interests in mind as we see by her sending it in for publication as opposed to either minding her own business as normal people do, or trying to assist the situation. All she has done was waste presious time taking a picture. Btw. A true bas Torah would simply monitor the situation if their is no danger as this article conveyed. Kol kvoda bas melech penima.
Why is there a woman’s hand over a blanket seen through the window?! (Not 100% sure, but it doesn’t seem like a reflection from what I can tell.)
It’s really pathetic that on secular news blogs and websites, they’ve been warning readers not to leave their dogs in hot cars but TLS has to remind us not to leave our kids there. It’s an embarrassment that in our community, where people are so “family friendly,” there is a need ro remind people not to neglect their kids.
There was an incident today in NJ with a dog suffering seizures from being left in a car with the windows opened…now imagine the detrimental effects on a child. Sad that the people who need the “reminder” probably don’t read TLS. Ignorance and being sheltered does not mean you should lack common sense!
car running, and enough open room in the window for someone to open the door and steal the car with the kid inside – then sell your child to predators on the black market.
– do you need anything else to understand how serious this is?
to #18 so you’re saying the child in winter won’t die of heat exhaustion great!! is kidnapping ok in the winter??
i dont get it.
– the odds of your child being blown up by a bomb = slim to none.
– the odds of your child being kidnapped = HUGE(just listen to the news!!)
people leave their homes open, cars unlocked, children unattended, and then scratch their heads when tragedy strikes. what world do you live in? because i share the same planet as you do – and guess what, i keep seeing how people end up being victims to their own laziness and naive beliefs.
To the genius known as anonymous of 8:30:
Oh, so the AC is running, parents are watching… Watching what??? A carjacking in progress with their infant inside??? Some of you have heads so deep in the sand that it’s amazing you haven’t begun to speak Chinese!!! Just go away! Leave us sane people alone! Please!
law and order you sound very scary you must be a swat team member or like a navy seal
yes this is terrible what happened, but relize that sometimes especially if its a first child that ur not used to having in a car you can forget about them … i still think its terrible and somthing should have been done in this case it seemed like it was on purpose since the windows were open and car was on.. charges should have been filed
If the ac was running, it would have been better to have the windows closed, as with the windows open there is a danger of kidnapping etc.
If your not going to call the police take the license plate number and at least call DYFS. Save a baby from being brain damaged because of heat stroke. Charge the parents with neglect because that is what they are doing is neglecting the care a baby need.
leaving small children alone is a crime. i believe the age that one can leave children is 11. certainly not an infant, children in a small space of time could choke to death or be harmed in many horrible ways. police should have been called.
Would you leave your diamond ring alone in the car even for a few minutes (even if you’re car was running,etc.)? Isn’t your child worth more than that?
stop with the kidnapping mantra. The are thousands of kids on the streets of lakewood for your boogyman to steal. Taking a car also is just pathetic.
Clearly kidnapping is not a concern for most of normal lakewood parants, just drive around. Kidnapping is statisticaly very very rare.
Only the vigilanty comentors who are looking to make normal parents with busy lives look bad are concernd with boogymen looking to steal cars containing children to sell on the black market.
Bottom line, cool day, just get on with your lives and let me raise my kids how I want!
stop with the kidnapping mantra. The are thousands of kids on the streets of lakewood for your boogyman to steal. Taking a car also is just pathetic.
Clearly kidnapping is not a concern for most of normal lakewood parants, just drive around. Kidnapping is statisticaly very very rare.
Only the vigilanty comentors who are looking to make normal parents with busy lives look bad are concernd with boogymen looking to steal cars containing children to sell on the black market.
Bottom line, cool day, just get on with your lives and let me raise my kids how I want!.
Raise your kids how you want. Just don’t break the law by endangering the welfare of your child. Don’t beg for mercy if g-d forbid you ever become a victim of your own carelessness.
you all dont seem to get it, forget the fact that anyone looking for a vehicle to steal would pick one with the keys inside and the motor running, that person may not even realize that there is a child inside. forget the fact that opening the windows and having the ac running is kinda pointless. A PARENT SHOULD NOT LEAVE A CHILD ALONE IN ANY TYPE OF VEHICLE. an interesting thought for everyone, suppose a bus driver left a bus running with a child inside while the driver ran into a store for a minute. any parent would be outraged and demand that the driver get fired. or if your babysitter left the house and went to the supermarket for a minute leaving a child alone, even if the child was sleeping in a crib, that babysitter would get fired or at least i hope so…would you leave your friends child in the car alone ? i doubt it, why is your child worth less ? i pray and hope that before tragedy strikes you wake up and realize the consequences of your actions.
Thank you #41 for being a voice of reason. I cannot believe all these people who say they will call the police- no questions asked. If you want to do the right thing, you should stand by the car, watch the baby, and wait for the mother. You can then give her a warning, a speech or whatever. Do you realize what will happen to the whole family if you call the police? They can take the mother away in handcuffs, call child services, and traumatize the rest of the family for years to come. You will be causing emotional pain and anguish to all the siblings. Child services will never leave them alone for years. They will come and interview the children, examine them and ask the most personal questions all because you all overreact and call the police. Who are you to decide the whole family deserves to suffer like that because the mother made an error in judgment. Do you never make a mistake as a parent? Are you all so perfect? This child was in very little danger on a cool day like today in a safe neighborhood. I’m not saying the mother is right, but THINK before you call the police!!
If the windows were open and the a/c was. On its not the end of the world.
call the police than DYFS. they should be 0 tolerance. fine them heavily. hit um in the pocketbook,
I don’t think the people get tho hint..If you leave your kid in the car..what else will you forget to do during your day.
Wow, “Backoff”, you just made the point of how inane you are! Would you leave a diamond alone in the car? Are you truly willing to take the “very, very rare chance” that someone will drive off with your child in it? And to argue that many children are playing in the street, why aren’t we concerned for their safety… What kind of a comparison can you make with children playing together, that have the ability to run if need be, to a defenseless infant in a car with the engine running!?! There is no way in the world that you have any children; if you did you could not possibly think as you do. Unless you are of the ilk of “it’s not MY child syndrome”. Moron.
To #21, yes it is a crime: Child neglect and endangerment. Not only could a child receive brain damage from severe heat (and the interior of a car does heat up quickly) but he could also die or be kidnapped. I guess some people are not aware of the truth-watch the news. Ignorance is bliss. No one really cares until a tragedy occurs, then it is too late.
Well this person wasn’t endangering their child from the heat today we have to be so careful with crazy ppl leaving a a car with an open window and running car gives the access for some idiot to take the kid. So heat is not the only reason but its one of the main reason u shouldn’t leave ur kid in a car unattended remember ur child should be precious to u he or she is a person not a cat or dog or some pet so treat ur baby as if u were to treat urself and I doubt u would lock urself in a car without ac
To comment backoff . When ur sitting in jail because you’ve decided we should back off and let u do wtvr u want I promise u even the if the godol hador would come to my door I wouldn’t even give a penny . Even though it is rare for any of these stories to happen it still can happen
The chances of kidnapping are much lower than of the child being hit by a car while mother is taking her out in parking lot. Your child is a thousand times more at risk of being hurt in a car accident, than of being randomly kidnapped. In addition, a car with a child in it has almost no risk of being stolen, as car thieves know better. The news stories you hear are extremely rare, and therefore they are newsworthy.
So start worrying about more worrying things.
BTW, I assume she left the window slightly open to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning, as the car was idling with a/c running.
#52 your crazy , so should we all start leaving are children in the car to prevent them from being stolen. If you follow the same method then we should tie are kids to are front porch to prevent a break in.
to #21 why would you leave a child in a car seat with the car running, somebody could have taking the car with the child in it. yes it’s a crime it’s called CHILD NEGLET. Do you have any children? I guess not cause you would have not answered the way you did.
This is so rare, right?
Mother pleads guilty to misdemeanor in death of son left in car seat
(link removed)
Child left in car dies: How this could happen to any parent
(link removed)
WR police: Boy left in car died from heat stroke
(link removed)
Victim’s family brings awareness about hot car deaths
(link removed)
Hyperthermia Deaths of
Children in Vehicles
(link removed)
There are dozens more stories like this, plus dozens more stories of children being in cars that are carjacked.
im a strong advocate for responsably and saftly leaving children in a secure climate controled car. The risks of shlepping multipld children thru a busy lakewood parking lot are just to much. Not to mention falling out of shopping carts, getting lost, running into traffic, catching the flu in winter or slipping in the ice.
Lets creat a group to prevent the libiral mindset of imposing points of view on others and running to govornment officials to impose madnes on others..
Who even on here who said this isnt a police matter and people should mind there bussiness.Thats the problem with todays society people like you ..It takes a village to raise a child we all should be eyes and ears to what goes on.. this is something you just dont look at and walk away anything could of happened to this child.. Dont for one minute be afraid to call the police when lives are at stack..Think About it.. aimed at mind your bussiness..
I would definitely leave a sleeping baby in a car in my own driveway, if waking up the child is going to ruin his or my day,, but only if the weather permits. And, yes I could also lock the car for safety. (I would leave a diamond, or a pocket book in a locked car).
Perhaps someone wants to coordinate an asifah on child safety ? ( I am not being sarcastic, I really mean it.) Topics that can be discussed are not leaving children in cars, not letting young children walk and cross the streets alone, not leaving young children in a playground without adult or older child supervision (especially when it is literally right next to a parking lot), having your children in visible and close range when you are walking through a busy (or not busy) parking lot, having your children in visible and close range when they are playing outside while you are socializing with your neighbors, wearing reflectors when walking outside at night, etc. And then there are all the safety issues inside a house – not leaving toxic items where children can reach them, not having drapery cords, electric cords, etc, where a children can reach them, stove safety issues, not leaving a baby or toddler unattended in the bathtub, even for a few seconds, etc.
I know that many parents are aware of these issues, but there are others who are not.
Physical safety for our children is just as important as spiritual safety and maybe a gathering on the topic will help prevent any further tragedies (or near tragedies) in the community.
Perhaps there are some concerned individuals who may want to initiate such an asifah. Police officers, firefighters, doctors, nurses, etc. can be asked to speak. At the end of the program, tehillim can be said for cholim and others in need of a refuah or a yeshua. Child safety items can be sold at the gathering as well (such as plugs for electric outlets and other childproof devices for the home, reflectors, products that alert that you left a child in the car, etc.)
To those saying no big deal, go sit in your car in this heat even with the air running and see how you feel. Come on people open your eyes. It is a big deal and should be turned over to the police. No one should leave a child in a car no matter what age.
I think if a parent leaves a child in the car you have to ask a Sheilah to a Rav if the police can be called. Its definitely a Sheilah of Mesirah!
When you put a child in a 5 point harness the center latch needs to be sitting on the chest if it is on the stomach then it is too low if you are in a high impact accident then the child could fly out of the seat. Also you should not leave a kid in the car someone could have kidnapped that baby.
#62 u r on target
never a child kidnapd in the history of kakewood. Once in bp and not from a secure car
backoff this ones for you
so if a child was never kidnapped in lakewood…why would you make THIS child or YOURS the first one to hit the front of of every paper!??! REALLY think befor you comment people
you want it to stay that not one child B”h was kidnapped in lakewood then dont be STUPID!!!
Kes, Backoff, never kidnapd in kakewood. What about cookiewood?
Just “Back-Off” with your nonsense. In five years, another of your ilk will write: “never a child kidnapd in the history of my block. Once in KAKEWOOD and bp and not from a secure car.
Are you an actuary (probably not; you don’t know how to spell) that “based on statistics a carjacking with a child couldn’t happen here”? Fool – when dealing with the life of a child there is no room for statistics. But statistically speaking, you will most likely blow this off and demonstrate more ignoramus foo-foo.
Why am I always amazed by the amount of people who seem so naive to subjects such as this. Some of the comments are ridiculous. What’s worse is that these are parents responsible for the care & safety of their children. To truly see nothing wrong with this whole story is scary. #30 hit the nail on the head. I can not comprehend people’s mentality. As with a lot of other situations – common sense prevails. H-shem is not going to do the parenting for you. HE gave you a brain to use & think logically in order to make proper decisions. Hopefully, people will become more informed, as these scenarios are repeated year after year despite warnings. I only wish people will learn not to be careless: whether it be driving, cleaning or your child at play. So many incidents are easily preventable. One needs to slow down, think, and pay attention to what is going on. Do not become complacent particularly when responsible for several children. It can sometimes be daunting, but you must remember that you were blessed with a special gift from H-shem, and as such, it is up to you to care for this miracle,. Don’t take things for granted. It’s just that people are trying to educate you and make you aware of the dangers of seemingly harmless acts. Please take heed. G-D forbid… we do not want any more preventable tragedies to happen.
hey #65 – never in the history of lakewood has a child chopped his hand off with a chainsaw.. time to let our young children play with chain saws!
If you blow up the picture you will see, there is DEFINITELY someones hand IN THE CAR holding the blanket
Oy #68, that is the reflection of the hand of the person outside the car taking the picture. If the hand were inside the car, it is somehow emerging from the backseat and not attached to a body
BTW – the hand is NOT holding the blanket; it is a reflection in the window. If it she were in the car – according to you – she would have to be in the trunk.
Blew up the picture…looks to me like the blanket and ringed hand are outside the car snapping the picture. It certainly shows that the passenger rear side of the car is empty. I saw three people leave kids in cars/van this week by a grocery store close to my house. I think if a few big named doctors did a chain phone call like in the past, it may raise awareness to the many new parents and residents who may have missed last years message.
I had a similiar story.I went to get my daughter from playgroup a few months ago but it was also like 90 and the mother left a new born in the car for a long time while she went to get her other kid.I was shocked when I saw her she was just sitting and talking to the teacher.I went up to her and said what are you thinking its hot and the the car is on it takes one second for you to lose your car and child.All she said was ok. people are STUPID and don’t think.People these kids are a gift from God treat them that way.
Rabboisai, as the following story illustrates, we must be more responsible for our Heilaga Children!
why would anyone put their child at risk for any type of danger that could be avoided??
The story about the dog from yesterday that was mentioned above- The dog died this morning according to the vet. The woman left the window cracked and was gone just a few minutes.
Laziness, ignorance, believing “it won’t happen to me”, whatever the excuse is, why would you ever take the chance of something COMPLETELY AVOIDABLE happening to your child?? If you think they are safer locked in a hot car than being schlepped thru a shopping trip, stay home!
No child ever been kidnapped in lakewood? Guess you haven’t been here as long as me, ask the (moderated) family about that and see the answer you get. State what you know as fact, not what you think you know.
The onlooker should have moved the car to another parking spot. Then stand by and watch the fun! Such dodo brains, some parents…..
End of discussion. Louisville Ky. A father left his 8 month old child in a car. He forgot to drop him off at daycare. 87 degrees. The child died a horrible death. Go ahead justify parents who leave their children in cars.
first things first—1) call the police—2) THEN TAKE YOUR PHOTO— and this was not an accidental happening–someone left the window open (parent)–and someone left that child unattended (parent)—and that person who wrote that if the weather was nicer SHE would have done the same—-ARREST HER TOO
See my posting #60
Perhaps some people want to organize a safety asifah (i do not live in lakewood so it would not make sense for me to organize one..)
i had a similar incident today i was about to call the cops when the mother came out i told her that she commited a crime and that the horrible stories we hear about start from leaving the kids even with the motor running what she responded really doesn’t matter.
Dear Mommy,
It hurts me to look down at you from heaven as you have cried non stop these last few days. Lucky for me, I feel no sadness or pain here, but I know the pain you feel is real.
You see it all started lask week when you took me shopping. I was so excited as you strapped me into my car seat and turned on the Barney CD I love so much. The sun was so bright that day. I remember because you were wearing those sunglasses that make me giggle! I was just getting ready for my morning nap when you pulled into the supermarket parking lot. This was my favorite part of the day. I loved being strapped into the shopping cart and feeling the breeze and you rushed down he aisles, list in hand. I try to grab everything in sight but my tiny fingers are too small to hold anything, except your pinky.
Wait, mommy gave me a kiss but did not unstrap me from the car seat. She closed the door and walked away. I am sure she just went to get the shopping cart, she will be back any minute right? Mommy has not come back yet. I will cry. She always comes when I cry. But she is not coming. Oh, it is starting to get very hot in here. The windows are closed and the cold air machine is not on. I dont like how this feels.
Why does my face feel so hot? I want to cry some more but I feel too tired to cry. My eyes are burning now and everytime I breath in, it feels like fire in my lungs. Is it cloudy in this car? Everything seems so fuzzy, my eyes are not working right. My tummy and head hurts me so much. Mommy, please mommy, why are you letting this happen to me? I taste blood in my mouth as the blood vesells in my stomach rupture. I am trying to sing the barney song, but I cant remember the words because my brain cells have started to die. The pain all over feels like that time I stepped on a piece of glass, but this is much worse because it is everywhere. Oh mommy where are you? I have to go to sleep now, my eyes don’t work anymore. I love you mommy.
That was the last time you saw me mommy. I hope one day, you will join me here with the angels. I miss you mommy
Wow, Dear Mommy, that is powerful stuff! Thank you! I got chills reading that!
Dear Mommy & Goldy- great posts!!
PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR KIDS. This story makes me so sick!
whenever i see a situation like that, or a child left outside a store in a stroller alone, i am always tempted to drive off with the kid just to give the brainless irresponsible mother the scare of her life! i really should do that one day…
I guess some people just don’t care about their children. This is child abuse and should be treated as such. The parents should be put in jail and the child in protective services. If the parents can’t or don’t want to love and protect them, let someone else. This is disgusting.