If you see people walking around in orange vests and carrying rifles in Lakewood, there’s generally no need to be alarmed, as they’re probably hunters looking for deer and bears.
The NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife concurrent Six-day Firearm Deer and Black Bear hunting seasons opened Monday.
All hunters though are required to observe a 450-foot “Safety Zone” around buildings and playgrounds when firearm hunting; bow hunters have a 150-foot zone.
New Jersey’s deer herd is a major component of the landscape throughout all but the most urbanized areas of the state. Deer affect our forests, farms, gardens, backyards and roadways. From a population reduced to a handful of deer in the early 1900s they rebounded during the 20th Century to a thriving herd today.
And for hunters looking for a place to hunt, New Jersey offers more than 750,000 acres of public land (state, federal, county and municipal) available to the deer hunter.
The black bear hunting season also began today.
“We anticipate another safe and professionally managed black bear hunt, which is an important component of the state’s multifaceted approach to managing the black bear population,” said DEP Commissioner Bob Martin. “Hunting helps keep the population healthy and sustainable while reducing the potential for conflicts with people.”
While black bears have been reported in all 21 counties, the densest population – estimated at about 3,500 – is found in northern New Jersey.
Note to hunters: there IS no more forest in Lakewood. Where R u hunting, Blue Blaws parking lot ?!
I saw a hunter tonight on the corner of new hampshire and swathmore.
i hope it’s safe with all the kids running around
Shotguns not rifles.