PHOTO: Hundreds Again Pack Town Hall as Officials Announce Continuation of Busing

image During a packed Township Committee meeting this evening, Committeeman Meir Lichtenstein has announced that the courtesy busing will continue until the end of the school year.

During the last Committee meeting, Committeeman Lichtenstien, who also serves as the liaison to the Township’s emergency services, strongly emphasized that we were all in this together – both public and non-public students from all communities, and ensured he would continue to do whatever possible to ensure the safety of the children.

As earlier reported, the busing will only continue until the end of the school year.


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  1. What bussing?
    My kid still has no bus. And we are not courtesy and he is in primary.
    This is not a positive thing for us.
    Since there are not enough of us without bussing we don’t have a strong voice.

  2. My daughter have no busing on the way home I strongly very upset with this whole business and I want politics to stop hurting people. This how we pay goverments taxes and yet they keep pusinish us for nothing.
    This horrible situation. We need someone strong to push the bussing issue into better situation.

  3. I, too, have daughters who’ve had no busing this whole year. While I feel bad and want the courtesy busing to continue, I’m frustrated that their mandatory busing (or lack thereof) is not being addressed. Is there anyone who we can address our issue to?

  4. The bussing is just a small part.

    There is a violation of a thorough and efficient system of public schools, which is much bigger than just non-remote transportation which BTW few in other states have.

  5. Based on this picture, it looks like the elderly and Latino members of the community showed up for this meeting on time.

    Better to be seen and heard than to complain about the education process with poor grammar/spelling.

    This busing situation is broken, and as the school age population grows, it is going to get much worse .

    Need to work on long term solutions that work for everybody.

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